Reply: Are you worth 3B?

In my opinion, I agree with the thought that Chit Leung Leung is developing regarding Facebook’s offer to buy out Snapchat. Although Facebook is still dominating the social media market, its market share is slowing decreasing as newer social media outlets enter the market such as Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. In order to stay competitive, the only way to guarantee its market share is to assimilate its competitors through buyouts. Even though Facebook is willingly to pay the price tag of $3 billions dollars for acquiring Snapchat, the company knows that it is able to regain that amount back soon enough in the future once they acquired Snapchat as its own; in addition, Facebook might have realized that paying $3 billions dollar to acquire its competitor is a far better deal than losing its market share to its rival. If Facebook succeeded in acquiring the newer social media, the company will have more platforms to appeal to different ages, and thus broadening the its impact on people.

Source : Issac , Mike. Could Google or Tencent Beat Facebook to Buying Snapchat?. 2013. Photograph. All Things 3DWeb. 18 Nov 2013. <×0/>.

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