Rise of Another Socialists Country

The prices of necessities have huge impacts on the opinions and political decisions of a country’s citizens. As we can see from recent news from Venezuela, the President Maduro is conducting inspections over price-gouging industries and penalizing owners who are responsible for the extreme prices for merchandises. Consequently, Maduro’s actions will not only help increase his overall popularity within the country, his actions will also be promoting a change in market structure of Venezuela. Since Maduro is convincing Venezuelans that the price-gouging is caused by the evil capitalists, Maduro is trying to further turning the country into a socialist state while oppressing the idea of capitalism. It is amazing to see how prices of goods can affect the orientations and the governing structure of a country.  Socialists can use price as an excuse to argue it is the best alternative for the citizens if the government is responsible for price controls of all goods while capitalists can also use prices as an excuse to promote that the way market determines prices and quantities is fair for every single citizen.

Source : http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/11/14/us-venezuela-economy-idUSBRE9AD1F320131114

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