Establishing another plant

Recently, Boeing is searching for a new location for its new manufacturing plant, which will be responsible for the assembly line for Boeing’s new generation of long-haul plane, 777x. Due to the workers in Washington State have rejected the renewed employee contract from firm, Boeing has to turn away and look into establishing the 777x manufacturing plant in other states. Since the economic recovery from the 2007 financial crisis is significantly slow, many states are highly interested in bidding for the Boeing manufacturing plant. Opportunities are endless when one has a lucrative company establishing its assembly line within one’s state. The plant will not only reduce the over-the-top unemployment rate within the state, the state government will also collect large sum of tax revenues from the operation, in which both are essentials for state’s recovery from the crisis. In addition, Boeing is benefitting the country in whole since it is encouraging other large firms like itself to employ local (Americans) to assemble and produce merchandises instead of outsourcing to other countries in hopes of reducing variable and fixed costs for the manufacturing process. In conclusion, the process of establishing a manufacturing plant within American soil will results in a win-win situation for the company and the country.

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