Re: What to Buy the Kids? They Want iPads.

A recent research (see below) from Nielsen shows the top 18 gifts that kids aged from 6 to 12 want for Christmas. According to this research, the top three gifts are all the products from Apple. It seems to be not surprised why kids Apple products which are probably most expensive tech devices.

An ipad is not just an expensive tech device. It is considered to be a chest full of toys. By downloading different apps, kids can have great fun with it. All the games in ipads have amazing images and accomplish great music which make kids interested and engaged. Thus, ipads are more likely to be babysitters so that parents can do something else, like make dinner or call friends.

Ipads seem to be more educational than TV shows. There are a lot of books that are accessible in ipads. Those books which are quite different from normal books offer kids some visual experiences. Many pictures and sounds are used to explain those English words. In this way, kids may feel more interested and pick up a lot. Therefore, it is common for kids to ask ipads as Christmas gifts.Re: Chloe Albanesuis  What to Buy the Kids? They Want iPads.

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Re:Polar Bears And Coca Cola Are Now Best Friends

On November 1st 2011, Coca Cola decided to change the image of its classic red iconic can into the white image with a polar bear. In recent years, Coca Cola always concentrates on developing good social images by conducting and promoting benevolences. This time Coca Cola intends to remind people the issue of melting Arctic which is the essential habitat for polar bears in Canada.

Coca cola is trying to assume the social responsibility for the environmental protection. It can improve its reputation and brand. Changing the image of the red can to the red can, it is a smart marketing strategy in order to attract more consumers.

Although people will be encouraged to care more about our environment, it is not effective enough to change the can. It does not tell people how to solve the environmental issue in Arctic. People seem to feel powerless to do with Arctic problems. Therefore, some specific ways should be offered. For example, when people purchase one white can cola, they will donate one buck to the government.

Only in this way can people get involved into the environmental protection. Also, it is the real contribution that Coca Cola makes to our environment.

Re: Selina Wang  Polar Bears And Coca Cola Are Now Best Friends

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Re: Apple: An Entrepreneurial Company

Talking about Apple, an entrepreneurial business, many of us may think about its amazing products, like iPod, iPad and iPhone which are wildly welcomed by consumers. Apple always concentrates on innovation. Besides great innovation, a key factor that contributes to Apple’s success is Customer Experience Strategy.

In Apple stores, customers always get a warm and authentic greeting from a well-trained shop assistant. They will learn customers’ intent, take accountability for their experience and guide customers to the right products. Although technology today may help people solve any problem, human seems to be more accessible and efficient.

Consumers are able to experience different kinds of devices for free before they decide to buy them. With this user experience, it facilitates to make that most customers’ first purchases in Apple is right. Therefore, products returns can decrease because customers have made right choices.  

In their stores, each purchase can be approved through an Internet-enabled handheld device. Instead of waiting for a long time to check out, salespeople can receive the payment and send email receipts. In this way, consumers save a lot of time and feel efficient. The stores save more space for displaying more products and let more consumers in to experience.

Re: Mooney Jesscia  Apple: An Entrepreneurial Company

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Sale strategies for small retailers

Many people turn on television every morning, watching the morning news and weather forecast. There is a big opportunity for small retailers to build broad awareness of their products and services. Since it is not during the prime time, the costs of advertising in the morning are relatively lower, so those small retailers can afford.Besides morning advertising, there are more options about sale strategies for retailers.

Make it personal

Small business should provide their consumers with some special sales. For example, those customers who have accumulatively purchased a lot of products or services in the store should be offered exclusive prices during holidays. It facilitates to maintain their regular customers and attract more potential consumers.

Offer discounts during special operation hours

During the slack seasons, small retailers should offer some discounts during the hours when it is not normally open.

Cold-call customers before special festivals

Before some festivals like Christmas Day, they should try me let more people know about their programs this season. When they cold-call customers, based on their information, young people should be selected as their target consumers who seem to be more interested in shopping than old people.

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Marketing Lessons from Twilight Movies

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn- Part 1, the fourth movie in the series opened last week across North American. A large number of people walked into theaters to watch this popular movie. You will never think that vampires could teach us much about the small business.

Keep focusing on the core market

The Twilight team clearly knows their target market. They never change actors, add new elements or shift themes to attract audience. Taking advantage of the Twilight movies, they keep concentrating on what audiences want.The takeway for small business is to focus on the immediate clients. Consumers who have already bought your product are more likely to buy it again.

Expand your brand

The Twilight team creates a lot of spinoff products besides books and movies.Small business can add more variety about their main business. It helps to increase revenues and brand recognitions.

Continue your own story

In 2008, when Twilight first released, there are not many vampire movies. However, now many competitors have appeared like True Blood and The Vampire Dairies. The Twilight team tried to differentiate their movies in order to stand out among the fierce competition.This strategy can be adopted by small business.


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Beer Makers Contribute to Sustainability

According to the Ontario Water Works Association, Labatt Breweries in Canada will receive a Water Efficiency Award next month. In the past, the brewery used more than seven bottles of water for producing each bottle of beer. Lots of water was wasted when water was used for washing, steaming and cooling. Fortunately, Labatt has succeeded in cutting down the consumption of water.

Although Canada is always considered as a water-rich country with many companies taking this natural resource for granted, water conservation tends to be important for some industries.

Each brewery should bear social responsibilities for the environmental protection. It facilitates to improve the images and reputations of companies.

Water conservation in beer industry can help promote the efficiency of production, for water systems consume a large amount of energy for pumping and treatment. Thus, cutting water uses means cutting down energy uses. When faced with energy efficiency labels in store, people may be persuaded to go for the greener option.

Beer companies cannot live without water. Therefore, water conservation is a functional way to keep the sustainable development of its own business. It makes a great contribution to the environmental sustainability.


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Coca Cola Opens Up New Doors Into India

Coca Cola decides to invest two million dollars in India for five years to develop its brand building and manufacturing capacity. The company hopes to increase its profits by opening up to the world’s second-fastest growing economy as it claims that the majority of its sales come from outside its headquarter in the United States.

Coca Cola’s move raises certain issues in the marketing field. For instance, how will the company plan to develop its brand image in India to attract consumers into buying its products like the rest of the world? This will pose a challenge to the company if coke does not have the ability to induce demand.

In terms of foreign operation, Coca Cola is most likely an expert since it is a worldwide company. However, the company also has to ensure how it will hire the employees and where they will come from. For instance, is the company going to hire people from the States and send them to India or is it going to hire locals and provide a training program for them to adapt to the company’s values and rules? All of these challenges will be a concern to Coca Cola and might even pose a risk to the company’s well-being.


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