Marketing Lessons from Twilight Movies

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn- Part 1, the fourth movie in the series opened last week across North American. A large number of people walked into theaters to watch this popular movie. You will never think that vampires could teach us much about the small business.

Keep focusing on the core market

The Twilight team clearly knows their target market. They never change actors, add new elements or shift themes to attract audience. Taking advantage of the Twilight movies, they keep concentrating on what audiences want.The takeway for small business is to focus on the immediate clients. Consumers who have already bought your product are more likely to buy it again.

Expand your brand

The Twilight team creates a lot of spinoff products besides books and movies.Small business can add more variety about their main business. It helps to increase revenues and brand recognitions.

Continue your own story

In 2008, when Twilight first released, there are not many vampire movies. However, now many competitors have appeared like True Blood and The Vampire Dairies. The Twilight team tried to differentiate their movies in order to stand out among the fierce competition.This strategy can be adopted by small business.


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