Author Archives: zhu an lim

About zhu an lim

Major in Environment and Sustainability program from the University of British Columbia (UBC). Bachelor of Arts, Department of Geography. Areas of interests: Cartography, GIS and spatial mapping, environment and community projects


Cartogram A Cartogram is a type of map that is usually used for showing or representing specific attributes (e.g. forest cover, population size, etc.) to different spatial units (e.g. countries, census divisions, continents, etc.). The areas are usually scaled in terms … Continue reading

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Accomplishment statements

Skills and experiences with Geographic Information System/Science  GIS in geographical analysis: I have practical working knowledge of ArcGIS and i am able to utilize a variety of datasets in multiple contexts (e.g. population changes, environmental impact assessments, etc.) for geographic analysis. I … Continue reading

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GIS Applications: Tsunami danger

Danger areas in Vancouver for Tsunami: Using the both tabular and spatial data, i created a map to show the areas that are in potential danger in an event of a Tsunami. In order to do this, i used the … Continue reading

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Spatial data information & Remote sensing data

Spatial data information: It is important when using GIS to ensure that the layers are using the same Coordinate system and Datum, so that the different layers of spatial information will align accurately and thus reduce the amount of distortion … Continue reading

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