Everyone’s Favourite: PS4

It’s amazing to see the evolution of video games; from simple colour graphic in Artic Game Console, to fascinating 3D characters in PS4. Play station is intriguing its consumer with every gaming console it introduces. Its value proposition is to deliver a futuristic experience to consumers by projecting 3D objects in the screen. Consumers will likely to interact with objects in the screen by controller or body movement. PS4 attach the concept of motion sensor from Wii and extend the value by connecting the connection between console and controller, which is convenient for consumers as they do not require to purchase and adjust the camera. PS4 also collaborates with Netflix, Crackle, Crunchy Roll, and NHL game center to extend its customer segment. Certainly Play Station is targeting a broad customer base instead of teenagers, and it is guarantee gaming will not be as fun if consumer can share the experience in social media. The features provided by PS4 allow them to generate more than 1 million pre order around the world. Play Station has established a new high selling point compare than other video games company.


Click here to read full article: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/gadgets-and-gear/gadgets/sony-playstation-4-review-dawn-of-the-new-console-generation/article15393427/?page=3

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