Will GlaxoSmithKline Withdrawl its Business from China?

Will GSK withdrawl its business from China?

Recently, Malcolm Moore has reported a great business ethic controversy in Beijing, China through The Telegraph. It is apparent that China has become a quintessential financial developing country. Along with the population, many business from several countries have initiated their expansion to China. However, the problem has occurred in a pharmaceutical company,GlaxoSmithKilin. GSK in china “is facing a potential £2 billion fine” as the embezzlement from the executives are not reported. During the investigation, the head of GSK has proposed to withdraw all of its business from China. However, due to the large amount of investment, the withdrawal will cause more than 8000 civilian to lose their jobs, and cease the operation from multiple hospital facilities. The amount of investment has exceeded “£320m in Shanghai research and development base and six manufacturing facilities.” However, majority of the investment have not spent in the facilities, but kept in Chinese executives’ pocket. The corruption does not only influence the company itself but the health of chinese civilians.
According to an executive from GSK: since the investment do not entirely funded to the research, the company will begin to :test on human subjects based on data that was false, and got rid of everyone connected to what happened.” GSK in China has become a slaughter house. In order to maintain their reputation and the continual embezzlement, they will eliminate the threat to its company. Business ethic within GSK in China has completely extinguished. The humanity has conceal from the desire of money. The incentive between GSK in English and GSK in China is not on the same line; If GSK continue to feed the greed from executive, the research will become normative rather than positive.
Click here to discover the unethical business in China. (The Telegraph)


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