Response to Lucien’s post: Trading Games???

To a hardcore video gamer, a trade off between a $5 worth of old game to $60 worth of new game is a dream. As I mention in my previous blogs, Play Station is releasing the new game console. In order to prevent decline in the market demand, the company comes up with a sneaky method to keep customer’s loyalty. Trade old games for new games. According to the PS4 description, the old games for PS3 cannot be used in PS4 and vice versa; as a result, a trap has set to blind consumers and lead them to trade their old PS3 games for the new PS4 games. Consumers feel that there is more opportunity cost for not trading the games, eventually they step into the trap, and they have to purchase the new game console in order to satisfy their gaming desire. Thank god I took econ and not step into this malicious trap.


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