Rising Costs of Education

University tuition is reaching record highs, and showing no signs of slowing down. According to this article, tuition rates are expected to triple from 1990 to 2017 in Canada. This is an alarming statistic; before long, the benefits associated with a post-secondary education may be weighed down by the cons.

In the US, college education fees are facing a much more drastic hike according to this article. American institutions have increased their rates by as much as 12 times more than it was 35 years ago. To a Canadian citizen, the price of an average American college education seems insane compared to the already expensive costs in Canada.

This brings up the topic of the cost versus benefit of a University degree. As more and more information is being found on the internet and published for free, going into massive debt for the very same information doesn’t seem like a very good deal. Many seem to view a degree just as “proof of competence” for employers. Of course, the social aspect of college life is and continues to be one of the main justifications of the price. However, with costs rising the way they are, would the “classic” college experience continue to be worth the money?

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