Microsoft iPads-Marketing gone wrong

According to this article, Microsoft, as part of its five-year $400 million deal with the NFL, had stipulated that the Microsoft Surface will be “the official tablet of the NFL”. What is meant by this is that coaches and players will be shown using the Surface during a game. Additionally, the Surface logo would be used on various NFL equipment such as replay monitors. However, the plan went wrong when several announcers and commentators mistakenly referred to the Surface as an iPad. Consequently, not only was the Surface not mentioned, but the incident had inadvertently boosted the exposure of its competitor, the iPad.

In my view, this incident really highlighted Apple’s position as the industry leader in tablets as the iPad has almost become synonymous with any tablet or tablet-like device. It also draws attention to the market state of the Surface. The Surface has long been trailing behind other brands such as Apple and Samsung in the tablet market share, and this marketing fiasco only cements its situation, At $400 million, it really demonstrates how Microsoft is unrelenting in its attempts to stimulate an influx of popularity with the Surface in order to compete with the iPad. Hopefully, Microsoft will be compensated for this and the deal might carry forth in a more positive direction.

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