Measurements of Marketing Strength (Response to Raza Razi’s Blog)

Marketing is one of the aspects of a business that is instrumental and directly correlated with the success of a business. Even if a firm produces a world-changing or revolutionary product, it won’t sell unless the masses know about it. I came across this blog post by Raza Razi detailing his thoughts as to what makes a strong marketing campaign.

In Raza’s post, he discusses the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and how it managed to spread awareness for the disease rapidly when it was relatively unknown before the Challenge picked up in popularity. This, in my opinion, is a great example of an effective marketing strategy. Within such a short time frame, it raised over $100 million as well as put boosted ALS awareness globally.


Raza also talks about the qualities of a successful marketing approach. Although he is of the opinion that forming an emotional connection with the consumers should be a key factor in any marketing strategy, I believe that marketing tactics are very diverse and cannot be summed up into any one phrase. Some ads rely exclusively on sexual or physical appeal and does away with any emotional depth. Although shallow, these ads can be some of the most successful, showing how marketing cannot be pigeon-holed into any particular “style”.



Marketing – How Effective Can an Idea Be?

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