My comment on “Pay Attention to Small Visual Marketing Details”

This article talks the story of when all people focusing on Transformation of the company or shop in the media impression, or about how great bosses,most stores will ignore the most important visual art. 

No one was to enter a shop heard detailed enterprise culture, but you will notice many small details, such as a shop assistant was wearing a tidy, shop decoration properly or lighting brightness is comfortable, it will become a customer to store a first impression is very important.

I very much agree with this point of view, because we as consumers, when I entered into a new store, into the eye is the decoration and the atmosphere.A part of the course staff attitude is essential. We always focus on some big place, but forget the many tiny place is also important, even more than thebig with no reality whatever things more convincing and appealing.

Sources: Pay Attention to Small Visual Marketing Details.By (outside ubc blog)

Pay Attention to Small Visual Marketing Details

Comment on Xinyuan Chen’s blog about Starbucks’s high price in China


From her blog, “the research shows that a medium-size latte in Beijing costs 27 Yuan ($4.43), or one-third more than at a Chicago store in United States,” she also said that in China, holding Starbucks is kind of the representative of the rich. So consumer’s blind faith is one of the reasons causes the high price in China

From my research, not only Starbucks has high price in China, almost every foreign brand has double price standard between China and western countries. Some domestic industry standard is too low or too thick, the lack of fine evaluation gives the multinational company provides “hotbed” perform a double standard. Some foreign brands  gradually become localization in China, even with two standard management of its branch at home and abroad. The production and sales link exist some loopholes. That even if appear in quality problem, recalls in other places, nor will be included inChina, the reason is: the product conforms to specifications in China

In order to eradicate this unfair phenomena, China ourself must increase our domestic quantity standard first and then use this standard to estimate these foreign brands.


Android tops 81 percent of smartphone market share in Q3

As data shows, the Android has 81.3% market share in third quarter 2013, However, Ios only has 13.4% market share. An increasing number of consumers choose Android because the cheap price of Android phones and the easily-available Android apps. Why the android is so successful? I think it’s due to three reasons.

First, Android catches its own market. When people are admiring the successful development of ios , some consumers and manufacturers hope to have a other systems also good. Make people to be able to share the big screen, unlimited control experience. The emergence of android  satisfied people’s needs at this moment because Android win the market with free! The whole world all love cheap and free!

Second is the creativity. Android  takes the way of open source, free to win a number of mobile phone manufacturers. Because open source, low entry barriers more and more small developers willing to join the Android market.

Third is the  wide range of consumer groups. Unlike Ios mainly focus on High earners. Android not only gears to High-end market, but also has lots of mid-and-low-end customers. what’s more, Samsung plays an important role in Android market. Data shows in 2013, 63.3% Android consumers choose Samsung’s smartphones.


2013 China luxury report

Total 2013 Chinese luxury consumption is up to $102 billion, and the global market for luxury goods will reach a record of $217 billion in total, this also means that the Chinese will buy 47% of the world’s luxury goods. China is the undisputed largest consumer of the world’s luxury goods market.

What’s more,In 2012, Chinese people implemented about 40% luxury consumption in Europe and American. In 2013, the luxury consumption outside the mainland area reach 80%. due to the foreign travel, foreign price difference exists as well as the influence factors such as the appreciation of the renminbi, the Chinese luxury consumption outflow phenomenon is increasingly serious.

Luxury consumption of the world’s average level is to use about 4% of their wealth to buy, in China, with the proportion of 40% or more to realize the situation of the “dream”, and even these groups constitute support is an important part of the luxury consumption. This group through the way of efforts to save money to realize the dream of the buy luxury goods. They often wait the discounting season, and often to buy some small accessories of the top brands , which suggests he or she  is also one of the top consumer class.


Twitter’s success to come into market

Twitter shares opened at $45.10 and marking a 73% pop from its initial public offering price and its market value is more than 24billion dollars. Twitter is so success in social networking and which give other companies confidence to go public.  Why twitter is so success to go public? I think it is due to three reasons.

The first is the market prospect of the Twitter is valued. In the past year, the company’s revenue of $534 million,  created a loss of $143 million. But this year, the company’s revenue in the first nine months has more than doubled, to $422 million. In addition, compared with billion users of Facebook, only 0.23 billion active users of Twitter’s investment risk is lower.

The second is the creativity. compared with Facebook CEO Zuckerberg annouced they come into the market. Twitter choose three common people, an actor, a little girl and a middle-age women. Twitter skillfully chose three different needs of users, from entertainment, charity and government propaganda these three angles to reflect the value of the company.

The last is the  market has been a lack of good company IPO  a long time. After Facebook, the capital market has been a long time without IPO, market accumulated too much money, this make twitter’s opening price continue to rise.


Comments on Chen qian’s blog about Crazy online Sopping Festival in China

American has black Friday. Now China has crazyNov 11. November eleventh was used a common day, but now, with the popularity of Taobao,the biggest online company in Chinese which belongs to Alibaba., November eleventh has become the crazy online shopping festival. From my friends Chen Qian’s blog, I  know how crazy it is from the data in Nov 11 2013. Just 55seconds after midnight,  the sum of business transaction is over 100 million RMB and the whole day’s business transaction is more than 6 billion dollars !

Why the Nov 11 is so successful in China, I think it’s due to three reasons. First is the big discount, most goods sold online all have more than 50% discout,the Albaba chairman Yun Ma said his purpose is not make profit on this day, he tried to provide a thanksgiving for all Chinese consumers. Second is the successful advertisement, the website, newspaper and TV programs all provided the advertisements for Taobao which let consumers know how crazy discount will be on Nov11. The third is the good delivery service, most online stores promise to consumers that they will recieve their good within 48 hours. So due to these three reasons, Noc 11 online shopping Festival is very successful.