2013 China luxury report

Total 2013 Chinese luxury consumption is up to $102 billion, and the global market for luxury goods will reach a record of $217 billion in total, this also means that the Chinese will buy 47% of the world’s luxury goods. China is the undisputed largest consumer of the world’s luxury goods market.

What’s more,In 2012, Chinese people implemented about 40% luxury consumption in Europe and American. In 2013, the luxury consumption outside the mainland area reach 80%. due to the foreign travel, foreign price difference exists as well as the influence factors such as the appreciation of the renminbi, the Chinese luxury consumption outflow phenomenon is increasingly serious.

Luxury consumption of the world’s average level is to use about 4% of their wealth to buy, in China, with the proportion of 40% or more to realize the situation of the “dream”, and even these groups constitute support is an important part of the luxury consumption. This group through the way of efforts to save money to realize the dream of the buy luxury goods. They often wait the discounting season, and often to buy some small accessories of the top brands , which suggests he or she  is also one of the top consumer class.




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