Researching LinkedIn best practices built up my confidence in using LinkedIn as a professional networking platform. It also teaches the importance of professionalism on social media. Social media is a big player in networking and how you come across has an impact on whether or not someone wants to work with you.

The formal report proposal and outline teaches the importance of planning ahead. Although the research and formal report haven’t been completed yet, preparing the proposal and outlining the report require critical thinking about what needs to be done. I was forced to consider how best to conduct the research and what exactly I needed to know. Preparing the survey questions also challenged me to consider what questions would best inform the report.

The peer review of my proposal emphasized the importance of organization and clarity through headings and clear wording. Having a peer review my work helps to illuminate areas for improvement that may have been missed. The suggestion to add more questions in order to gather as much information as possible made me realize I had overlooked some important areas that would need to be explored, such as the employees being willing to make a change to reduce waste.

Reading over my classmates work along with conducting another peer review has helped with exposure to different writing styles and inspiration when completing assignments. It is often useful to have examples of work to look at and see how others interpret assignment instructions. Despite this, I am still careful to keep my work original and follow instructions carefully rather than following someone else’s example. Overall, peer reviewing and being able to read my classmates’ assignments has improved my writing skills and helped me to branch out and explore different writing styles.

Link to Revised Proposal

Link to Peer Review