Writing the formal report draft allowed me to apply several skills and techniques learned in ENGL 301 so far. First, time management and organization were key in collecting data and compiling the evidence to come up with recommendations. The survey and interview were conducted ethically and findings were combined with secondary research to inform the recommendations. This required clear and focused writing to highlight key ideas. Concerns arose initially about how the survey would be distributed, since it was directed at a specific group of people – food service managers – and sending it via email would not maintain full anonymity. After asking around, I heard about a Langara College instructor, who I had briefly met while studying at Langara, who runs a blog about healthcare food service, and was able to get the survey posted on the blog. The importance of a good network was evident in this process, and not being afraid to reach out to older connections.

Next, using correct structure in all parts of the report from page numbers to citations required a strong attention to detail. Structure in a formal report is essential for clarity, professionalism, and the reader’s understanding. Proofreading multiple times and comparing the report to examples in the textbook prevented structural mistakes from being made. Finally, various writing techniques were employed throughout the report. Avoiding writing in a passive voice, avoiding imperative verbs, and writing with a You Attitude are a few of the techniques used.

Conducting the peer review further tested the skills learned in the course so far. Reviewing a classmate’s work requires full understanding of the assignment and the techniques that are expected to be used, so appropriate suggestions can be made. During the review, I was able to further reflect on my own work if a similar area for improvement was present. Patience and a close attention to detail are important to be able to read the report over multiple times and determine what is done well and what can be improved.

Link to Formal Report Draft