The Future of Supermarkets

The ever unappealing grocery market might turn out to be the gold mine for many grocery chain firms in Africa. Africa over the few years have grown and developed considerably, in fact the ten fastest-growing economies in the world today belong to six African countries. Markets of all sorts are in demand all over the fast growing continent, especially the grocery market. Food is unmistakably a necessity in our lives. In addition, people are always looking to improve their quality of life if they have the extra money. Therefore the idea of convenient and reachable supermarkets will definitely be high in demand for these fast developing countries. Consequently, these growing demands are attracting eager South African chains, Shoprite, Pick n Pay, Massmart, and Woolsworth to leave their “sluggish domestic market.” However, competitions cannot be avoided, retailing giants such as Carrefour and Walmart also have their eyes on the prize. Although, the competition will be fierce, the locals have an advantage over the newcomers; they have been in the market for a while and they know what consumers demand. Also, focusing more on strategies for marketing and operations will give them a comparative advantage over the other giants. Do these local grocery chains have a chance with these giants? Are they able to come up with a strategic plan to outsmart the giants?

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