Celebrate Christmas with NBA

The other day, I came across a NBA Christmas jersey commercial on Youtube that featured a few popular NBA stars. This year’s NBA season has brought my attention to the quality and number of commercial they have online. It almost seems like they have as much commercials as the Super Bowl, if not, even better ones. As the most recognized basketball league globally, NBA already has a massive fan base and an established brand image. This year though, it seems like they are trying to reconstruct their brand image and brand position. I remember the class where we learned about marketing motives and the Porter’s Five Forces. A strategic business will always seek to develop an edge in their niche. NBA, in this case, is striving for a competitive advantage over different sports league like the NFL, MLB, NHL, etc. by increasing promotion with celebrity endorsements. At the end of the day, the most important thing is for these promotions to intrigue the viewers and have lasting appeal on them.

Check out the Christmas Jersey Commercial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYEHUOpwNvE

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