Coin: the Innovative Credit Card

RE: Colin Lam’s blog post on Coin

Coin, a black credit card with a digital screen on it, designed by recent San Francisco start up, addresses the problems with bulky wallets. Coin is a smart swipe-able card that stores all your existing card information on your phone. When you want to pay, you will simply pick the card you want to pay with on Coin and swipe. Personally, I have dealt with many frustrating times where I had to fit two or three cards in my wallet slots. I agree with Colin Lam on the fact that the innovative Coin card has a great prospective future ahead of them.  However, Coin would have to overcome the few issues and concerns that I am sure many consumers pose. The primarily issue with Coin is its security level. Although, Coin will disable itself if lost, there is still danger in whether hackers will be able to hack your lost card and acquire your credit card information. In addition, I am curious in how Coin is going to deal with the short-life battery issue with our phones.

Read the article here:

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