iPhone Bending Issues


In the early September, Apple released its new line of iPhones to the world, both of which are larger and thinner than the previous ones. The entire world queues for iPhone6; even some people were camping outside the Apple Store.10 million phones were sold in the first weekend, breaking the previous record set last year by the iPhone 5S and 5C.

However, iPhone 6 Plus owners have turned to report that their smartphones were bending under the pressure of pants.

What is the one needed to be blamed? Skinner pants? Or the technology of the thinner devices?  While it’s definitely possible that the thinner, larger iPhone 6 Plus may be bent after being crumpled in your pocket for a long time, all we’ve seen so far are early reports from a few people.Also, Apple has responded to the reports of bent iPhone 6 Plus, indicating that it is “extremely rare”, and in fact, only nine people out of all customers have complained.

After the thing like bent iPhone 6, Apple’s priority should be improving the quality of its product and in this way, people are more willing to purchase Apple’s product without caring how it would be bent.

Link:    http://www.businessinsider.com/iphone-6-plus-bending-issue-2014-9

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