Fernandes is not the only one!

A want ad from newspaper.

A Dunkin’ Donuts employee Maria Fernandes never woke up after taking a quick nap in her car. She has been desperately struggled in three part-time jobs for a long time.Her death have highlighted people the difficulties of part-time workers. Most part-time workers have two or three jobs at one day and it is possible that they have to lie about their other jobs or hide the fact that they have children. Most of them live in a tough life and they desire a full-time job as well as benefits.

This calls on the government and society to establish the labor union to protect the welfare of part-time workers. The company management never takes the initiative to improve work conditions, welfare and salary. They are only concerned with profit maximization to get bonus at a time. The real problem is the conflict between worker’s salary and company’s interest.

People need work to make a living and support their families. Only a few employers are willing to pay enough wages for their employees to perform their duties. Most of workers, even in developed countries, not to mention the rest of the world, still need to depend on employers to earn a living. Besides, the company needs those workers holding these positions. If the labor union is founded, the part-time workers at least have a chance to fight for the decent salary and primary welfare. 

Reference:  http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/sep/30/maria-fernandes-dunkin-donuts-part-time-work-hours-schedule-crisis#start-of-comments

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