Relationship between first nations and business



Historically, Canadian aboriginals are the earliest inhabitants in Canada, the owner of this land. The Canadian government gives much respect to the Canadian first nations. Only the first nation people are allowed to live in the residential areas of aboriginals. The government does not have the right to perform business activities, open up mines, establish factories or collect taxes in these reserved land. But some first nations do not always cooperate with the government. For instance, the government of the B.C. province decided to establish a large-sized hydro-electric power project to develop the petroleum, natural gas and mining industries in the area. The project would go through many protection areas of the first nations, therefore the aboriginals obstructed the project with reasons like impairing their rights to fish and hunt as well as the ceremonial purposes of the area. They refused to cooperate with the government. They also sent a chieftain delegation to negotiate with the government, impeding the economic development of the B.C. province.

As a result, the cooperation of first nations play a really important role in the development and progress of a company. Regarding the first nations, it allows them to earn an interest by providing the reserved land. If the aboriginals establish a friendly cooperation relationship with companies and firms, it will be a very wise decision, favor the development of companies and benefit both sides.



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