Alibaba’s success

On September 19th, 2014, Alibaba Group was officially traded on New York Stock Exchange. Its market value reaches $231.439 billion, going beyond ones of Facebook, Amazon and eBay. It becomes the second largest Internet Company in the world, next only to Google. Additionally, Alibaba is very likely to be the largest IPO event in the global financial history.

I find that the way of Alibaba to the success differs from that of other companies. Since foundation, it has established a clear business model. It didn’t create any breakthrough technology or produce any new product. Instead, it skillfully developed and applied the relevant technologies of the Internet as well as utilized a large number of venture capitals and cooperated with commercial partners to establish the online trade market.


Besides, in its early stage, Alibaba lowered the requirements for the access of members. It applied the membership system to attract enterprise to login and register so as to collect trade flow and active market. While members browse information, they also bring continuous information flow and tremendous business opportunities. To be specific, it has a business-to-business e-commerce website and an online payment transaction system. With such an open and free trade platform, it can build a close relation between micro-enterprise and individual customers.  

Jack Ma says, today, China is and will be influenced by Alibaba. Originally, Alibaba founded aimes to change the commercial model of China so as to change China. I am more looking forward to the further development of Alibaba Group. 


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