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Would you agree, or disagree, that technology, through the form of television, has helped connect people to religion and spirituality?
If possible, back up your response with examples of shows, media events, and even commercials that have acted as reminders of the spirituality that is part of our global community.

To me, spirituality goes hand in hand with religion.

The reports of natural disasters in the news could connect people more to God but I would think only if they already had a belief in Him. Otherwise, I think most people would need to experience the natural disaster first hand before turning to God. In my experience, I am closest to Him during my worst moments.

Religion has turned many people off from God. I know people come to God in many different ways. I’m happy that they can find spirituality and something to believe in even without religion.

For me, it’s a different journey. I need religion to guide my spirituality. I want to learn the history of what I believe in through a teacher (pastor) in a formal way. These teachings frame my beliefs. Religion also bonds me to other believers.

In his argument for Ecotheology, Latour argues that the traditional Christian view of concerning ourselves with matters of the soul and the expense of all things material has left our environment in a sad state. He advocates for a reconciliation of Spirituality and Ecology – Stewardship. What are some examples of lessons on Stewardship that you teach in your own classroom?

I would argue with Latour that Christianity is only concerned with the salvation of people. There is an infinite number of websites on the ‘net dedicated to a Christian’s role in environmental stewardship, including scripture verses.

One prescribed learning outcome in the grade three curriculum is “demonstrate a sense of responsibility for the local environment” which can be accomplished in a range of ways from river clean-ups to composting.

Our school is very focused on the environment due to the passion of one teacher in particular. We have enviro. awareness assemblies, a school garden, recycling/composting, enviro themed plays etc.

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