



forthcoming in translation from

Communication University of China

Press (Beijing)  July 2026

(1st ed. UTP 2002)



[forthcoming UTP 2025]

“fabulous readings”; “stunningly original”;

“a near-perfect mastery of primary and secondary sources”;

“eye-opening”; “well-structured and lucidly written”

[from the pre-publication reviews]

 “charts the intellectual life of an epoch”; “a major contribution to (a) the history of anthropology, including visual anthropology; (b) the history of media and communications studies; (c) collecting and museology”  [from the pre-publication reviews]

Speechsong: The Gould / Schoenberg Dialogues (New York / Los Angeles: Punctum Press, 2019)

Installed at West Cultural Centre, The Hague, Summer 2023 []

  • Gödel Escher Bach Exhibition, West Den Hague Cultural Centre, The Hague, Netherlands, an installation based on Richard Cavell, SpeechSong (Punctum P, 2020): 38:00 min. 4:3 video with synchronized lighting; commissioned for the exhibition and realised by Baruch E. Gotlieb


house friedman 001

Friedman House

San Francisco: ORO Press, for the UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 2017






Remediating remediating aupMcLuhan 

Amsterdam University Press,


(ISBN 9789089649508)





nature of mediaMarshall McLuhan, On the Nature of Media: Essays 1952-1978, compiled, edited and introduced by Richard Cavell

Berkeley and Hamburg: Gingko P, 2016





Marshall McLuhan, McLuhan Bound:                                                                                Essays on Understanding Media,                                                                                          compiled, edited and introduced by                                                                                 Richard Cavell (same text as above, with                                                                       new introduction for this edition) (Beijing:                                                                   Sowe, 2016)





marinetti dines_cover02_March3


Marinetti Dines with the High Command: A Manifesto and Five AeroPoems

(Toronto: Guernica Essential Drama Series, 2014)

“a brilliant and important book”

–Marjorie Perloff



McLuhan in Space: A Cultural Geography (Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2002),








 “New Cultural Spaces: Cultural Studies in Canada today,” The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies 29.1/2 (2007), Special Double Issue, co-edited and co-introduced, with Imre Szeman






sexing maple



Sexing the Maple: A Canadian Sourcebook, edited with Peter Dickinson

(Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2006)





 Love, Hate and Fear in Canada’s Cold War

 edited and introduced

(Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2004)





Book Chapters

  • “Canadian Cinema and the Intellectual Milieu,” in the Oxford Companion to Canadian Cinema, ed. Janine Marchessault and Will Straw (N.Y.: Oxford UP, in press 2018)
  • “Mediatic Shakespeare: McLuhan and the Bard,” in Shakespeare in Canada, ed. Irena Makaryk (Ottawa: Ottawa UP, 2017) 157-176
  • “Remembering Canada: The Politics of Cultural Memory,” in Cynthia Sugars, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature (N.Y.: Oxford UP, 2016), 64-79
  • “Mechanical Brides and Vampire Squids” in Marshall McLuhan and Vilém Flusser’s Communication and Aesthetic Theories Revisited, eds. Melentie Pandilovski and Tom Kohut (Winnipeg: Video Pool, 2015), 281-297.
  • “McLuhan, Turing, and the Question of Determinism,” in Traffic: Media as Infrastructures and Cultural Practices, ed. Marion Nadotdotser-Lather and Christoph Neubert (Leiden: Brill, 2015) 149-159
  • “McLuhan and Aesthetics,” Oxford Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed. Michael Kelly (2nd ed. N.Y.: Oxford UP, 2014) 4: 283-286 (double columns)
  • “Anthems and Anthologies,” in Anthologizing Canadian Literature: Theoretical and Cultural Perspectives, ed. Robert Lecker (Waterloo: WLU P, 2015): 35-50
  •  “DreaMedium®,” in Das Medien Meiner Traüme,” ed. Ralf Adelmann und Ulrike Bergermann (Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag,  2013) 15-18 [festschrift for H. Winkler]
  • “In-Corporating the Global Village,” in McLuhan’s  Global Village Today, ed. Carmen Birkle, Angela Krewani and Martin Kuester (London:  Pickering and Chatto, 2014), 7-14
  • “Jane Rule and the Memory of Canada,” in Unruly Penelopes and the Ghosts: Narratives of English Canada, ed. Eva Darius-Beautell (Kitchener/Waterloo: WLUP, 2012): 157-181
  • “From Earth City to Global Village: McLuhan, Media and the Cosmopolis,” in Architecture and the Construction of the Canadian Fabric, ed. Rhodri Windsor-Liscombe (Vancouver: UBC P, 2011) 365-385.
  • “Vorwort” to Marshall McLuhan, Gutenberg-Galaxis: Die Entstehung des typographischen Menschen (Berkeley / Hamburg: Gingko P, 2011): 4-6.
  • Afterword: Mediating Anne,” in Anne’s World: A New Century of Anne of Green Gables, ed. Irene Gammel and Benjamin Lefebvre (Toronto: U Toronto P, 2010): 212-21.
  • “Specters of McLuhan: Derrida, Media, and Materiality,” in Transforming McLuhan, ed. Paul Grosswiler (N.Y.: Peter Lang, 2010) 135-161
  • “McLuhan’s Borderline Case Revisited,” Comment comparer le Canada avec les Etats-Unis aujourd’hui: enjeux et pratiques, éds. Hélène Quanquin, Christine Lorre-Johnston et Sandrine Ferré-Rode (Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2009): 25-50.
  • “McLuhans Gespenster: Elf Anmerkungen für ein neues Lesen” [Specters of McLuhan: 11 Notes for a Re-Reading],  McLuhan neu lesen: Kritische Analysen zu Medien und Kultur im 21. Jahrhundert, trans. Michael Barchet (Bielefeld: Transcript P, 2008): 270-284.
  • “McLuhan and the Body as Medium,” in Sk-Interfaces: Exploding Borders – Creating Membranes in Art, Technology, and Society, ed. Jens Hauser (Liverpool: U Liverpool P / Foundation for Art and Creative Technology [FACT], 2008) 32-41.
  • “World Famous Across Canada, or Transnational Localities,” in Trans.Can.Lit.: Resituating the Study of Canadian Literature, ed. Smaro Kamboureli and Roy Miki (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier P, 2007) 85-92.
  • “Histories of Forgetting: Canadian Representations of War and the Politics of Cultural Memory,” in Serge Jaumain and Éric Remacle, eds., Mémoire de guerre et constructions de la paix: Mentalités et choix politiques—Belgique / Europe / Canada (Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2006): 67-80.
  • “Madama Butterfly and the Absence of Empire,” for A Vision of the Orient: Texts, Intertexts and Contexts of ‘Madame Butterfly,’ ed. Jonathan Wisenthal et al, (Toronto: U Toronto P, 2006): 155-169.
  • “‘An Ordered Absence’: Defeatured Topologies in Canadian Literature,” in Downtown Canada: Writing Canadian Cities, ed. Justin D. Edwards and Douglas Ivison (Toronto: U Toronto P,  2005) 14-31
  • “Material Querelle: The Case of Frye and McLuhan,” in Gary Genosko (ed.), Marshall McLuhan: Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory (N.Y.: Routledge, 2005) 242-261 [reprinted from Essays on Canadian Writing 68 (2000): 238-261]
  • ”McLuhan and Spatial Communication,” in Gary Genosko (ed.), Marshall McLuhan: Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory (N.Y.: Routledge, 2005) 91-107 [reprinted from Western Journal of Communication 63.3 (1999): 348-363]
  • “Transvestic Sites: Postcolonialism, Pedagogy, and Politics,” anthologized in Unhomely States: Theorizing English-Canadian Postcolonialism, ed. Cynthia Sugars (Peterborough: Broadview P, 2004): 335-348
  • “‘Dreaming Awake’: Mass Media as Ritual,” in Ritual Economies [Working Papers in the Humanities 13], ed. Lorenzo Buj (Windsor: U Windsor P, 2004) 35-55.
  • “McLuhan in Space,” in At the Speed of Light There is Only Illumination: A Reappraisal of Marshall McLuhan, ed. John Moss and Linda Morra (Ottawa: U Ottawa P, 2004): 165-184.
  • “McLuhan in Spatiu [McLuhan in Space],” Jurnalism & Comunicare: Revista Romana de Stiinte ale Comunicarii [Journalism & Communication: Romanian Science of Communication Review] 4 (2003): 27-44 (trans. Radu Dobrescu)
  • “Baroness Elsa and the Aesthetics of Empathy: A Mystery and a Speculation,” in The Politics of Cultural Mediation: Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven and Felix Paul Greve (Edmonton: University of Alberta P, 2003): 25-39; co-published as vol. 29.1 of the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature
  • “Photographic Pedagogies,” in Integrating Visual and Verbal Literacies, ed. W.F. Garrett-Petts and Donald Lawrence (Winnipeg: Inkshed, 1996): 101-105.
  • “Theorizing Canadian Space: Postcolonial Articulations,” Canada: Theoretical Discourse / Discours théoriques, eds. T. Goldie, C. Lambert, R. Lorimer (Montréal: Association for Canadian Studies, 1994): 75-104
  • “Representing Writing: The Emblem as (Hiero)Glyph,” in The European Emblem: Selected Papers from the Glasgow Conference, ed. Bernard F. Scholz, Michael Bath and David Weston (Leiden: Brill, 1990): 167-190
  • “‘Visibile parlare’: Verga, Derrida and the Poetics of Voice,” in Perspectives on Nineteenth-Century Italian Novels, ed. Guido Pugliese [University of Toronto  Italian Studies 5] (Toronto: Dovehouse, 1989): 135-144
  • “Bakhtin Reads De Mille: Canadian Literature, Postmodernism, and the Theory of  Dialogism,” in Future Indicative: Canadian Literature and Literary Theory, ed. John  Moss (Ottawa: U Ottawa P, 1987): 205-211