Author Archives: RyanSilverthorne

Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group


This site represents the collaboration of 6 first nations groups working together to advocate for land ownership, jurisdiction & law making, culture heritage, natural resources etc.

It serves as another example of how technology is being used to strengthen communication among various bands to strengthen native issues and create meaningful change that will facilitate the preservation of culture and ensure its continued development.

Module 2 – Post 5
Ryan Silverthorne

Native Languages of the Americas


This site is a catalog of various Aboriginal languages. The site provides linguistic and cultural links for those interested in researching the subjects. Their mission is “dedicat[ion] to the survival of Native American languages, particularly through the use of Internet technology.”

This site is very basic in design but contains an enormous amount of content. Those researching protection of Aboriginal culture through technology and specifically protection of languages will benefit from its use.

Module 2 – Post 4
Ryan Silverthorne

First Nations Education Council


This organization is focussed on education and more specifically on the use of information technology as a means to support and serve Aboriginal communities. The site contains information on how the organization promotes educational technology in Aboriginal communities as well as links the various related article links on native perspectives on education, integration, information technology et.

I feel this is an excellent site for those who want to explore First Nations Organizations who are advocates for technological advancement in aboriginal communities, understanding philosophies and how action is being taken.

Module 2 – Post 3
Ryan Silverthorne

One Laptop per Child Canada


Educational Technology for Aboriginal Youth

For those unfamiliar with the One Laptop Per Child organization, they are group that endeavors to empower the world’s poorest children through education. They operate all over the world and are active in Northern Aboriginal communities. The site is one example of how technology is being used with the intention of protecting Aboriginal culture and is therefore a great resource for my research.!goodnews/cfvg

The site is updated regularly and contains multiple articles and information as well as endorsements from famous Canadian Aboriginal people.

Module 2 – Post 2
Ryan Silverthorne

Who owns Native Culture?


Based on the book of the same name Michael Brown created a website focussing on the ongoing “legal status of indigenous art, music, folklore, biological knowledge, and sacred sites.”

Of particular interest are the many links that are aligned to chapters in his book. Brown discusses the importance of protecting the culture for those it represents.

This site is an excellent resource for anyone interested in the topic of cultural protection in general and through online means. It is also a great site for insights into legal rights claims and the implications on communities.

*Note that while most links on the site are still active and relevant Brown has stopped updating the site as of April 2014. It is still however, a worthwhile resource.

Module 2 – Post 1
Ryan Silverthorne

The Endangered Languages


This site looks at endangered languages all over the world. The site is an excellent resource for gaining a perspective on the wide scope of the problem and the many languages that are on the verge of disappearing.

Resource links to scholarly publications and various types of research can be found at this site. There is an easy to use searchable database that can point to information related to education, anthropology, political issues and environmental factors.

One of the most useful parts of the site is the worldwide language map which indicates locations across the globe where languages are at risk or severely endangered of becoming extinct.

Once-vibrant aboriginal languages struggle for survival


This site is a link to an article on Aboriginal languages in danger of becoming extinct across Canada. Among other things the site identifies British Columbia as the province most in danger of losing Native languages and subsequently culture.

Useful statics on the number of Aboriginal languages and the decline over the years can be found throughout the article. It also discusses the problem in the context of education and the efforts being made to incorporate it into highschool and university programs.

Though it is not a scholarly article it brings up several important points related to the loss of language and culture that would be valuable to anyone researching these important topics for their project.

The First Nations Schools Association (FNSA)


The First Nations Schools Association is a committed organization representing all First Nations schools in British Columbia. The site includes published documents from the organization including action plans on Aboriginal language program planning, curriculum and resource planning, and archived cultural materials. They also have post-secondary materials available concerning career and education planning as well as helpful resources for parents of students in Aboriginal schools.

You can find links to their various programs, including “Connected Classrooms,” which uses the internet to provide online learning from specialty teachers in the province. Information and support is also available to educators who may be looking for training or materials.

This is an excellent site for anyone interested in researching indigenous knowledge transmission in BC Native schools and the integration of technology to provide specialty  learning opportunities in small rural communities.

The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC)


The First Nation Steering Committee is a collective organization of Bands in BC focussed on “advancing quality education for all First Nation Learners.” They work with the BC provincial government, providing research, communications, information dissemination, advocacy, program administration and networking.

They are responsible for the creation of curriculum like English First Peoples 10, 11, 12 and resources such as Math First Peoples 8 and 9 which are widely used throughout the province.

Throughout the site one can find links to events, publications, reports on the status of aboriginal schools, live blogs and videos on Aboriginal/ Educational topics

The Ethnos Project/ Resource Database


This site contains a a huge database of resources for studying the “intersection of indigeneity and information and communications technologies (ICTs).” The site was made for academic research, government agencies, indigenous groups, cultural organizations and others who are interested in indigenous populations and their interaction with technology.

Within the site you find a multitude of blogs from various contributors and links to video and other media. The site makes excellent use of social media and is very user friendly.

Those interested in topics such as “digital humanities, human computer interaction, Indigenous Knowledge management, culture and development, language preservation, and participatory design” will find the site very useful