What Do Flying Drones and Wine Have in Common? More Than You’d Think

As technology continues to reinvent the definition of efficiency, it is no surprise that the traditional wine industry is keeping up with the rest of the world. While technology currently plays a significant role in the creation of wine, it is about to become even more significant. How? Through a process called precision viticulture.


What is Precision Viticulture?

Precision viticulture is the use of numerous types of data (such as thermal maps, soil samples, etc.) in producing wine. By using data collected through technological devices, the correct type and amount of grapes are planted in the correct area in order to ensure maximum efficiency and quality of these fruits. Flying drones controlled simply by an iPad are used to capture most of this data.


Why embrace Precision Viticulture?

While some view the production of wine as an art or hobby, precision viticulture industrializes this business, and is able to increase the total quality and quantity of wine produced by minimizing losses—spoiled grapes due to imperfect growing conditions. By maximizing quantity and quality, wine manufacturers are therefore able to increase profits. The use of this technology also enables producers to gain critical information that they may not have had prior to the use of precision viticulture. Through the use of this new technology, wine producers know more about their product than ever before so they can make more accurate and appropriate decisions in planting grapes.





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