Jun 01 2009

blog toolkit

Published by at 3:24 pm under Blogging,Toolkit



I never really thought I would “get” the whole blogging thing but it turns out I am really enjoying it.  I don’t like the fact that I have 4 going right now for different courses and I wish I could keep one that would be easier to keep track of but when I get past the MET requirements I should be able to achieve this.

Going through the blog toolkit led me to some really great blog links.  I was so impressed by Edublogger that I have added an RSS feed to my blog (one of them anyway!) so I can keep up with it.  I had no idea what an RSS feed was a couple of weeks ago never mind how to add one to my blog so I am really feeling quite proud about this.  I can’t wait to get my own class (hopefully in the fall!!) so that I can try blogging and a host of other applications with some real kids.

One response so far

One Response to “blog toolkit”

  1. John Eganon 04 Jun 2009 at 3:50 pm

    I’ve blogged on other platforms for a while, but I’m really finding a lot of positives in UBC’s WordPress set up. Dunno how it compares with running it on your own server, but so far me like!

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