Culture Jam-New and Improved Advertisement

My alteration of this Mr. Clean ad uses a sarcastic tone to suggest that the only job that “really matters” for a woman is cleaning. The sarcastic tone is used to suggest that there couldn’t possibly be more important jobs-like firefighters, surgeons, or teachers that women could possibly have. The tone used suggests that the original ad is ignorant of all the other possibilities. The sentence added reads “like conforming to gender norms!!!!”  as noted earlier the extensive use of explanation marks demonstrates the sarcastic tone.

The words in the ad suggest that the only real job would be conforming to what society does or once believed woman should be perceived as-housewives. The sentence I added points out how the original advertisement believes the most important job for women is to simply conform to these unrealistic social norms. However, I chose to alter this ad because this ad is not true-the job that really matters for women is not cleaning the house or trying out different cleaning products such as Mr. Clean. Women have the power and the right to pursue whatever job they please, the only job that really matters is whatever job a woman wants to pursue, whether that be an engineer, a scientist, a politician or even a woman who cleans- what matters is that this norm not be forced upon women, women should have the option to choose the job that “really matters”. The philosophy behind this culture jam is just that-women can be whatever they want to be, they should not be subject to stereotypes or gender norms in any sense, not for how they look or act but also their career.

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