CEP and the BCTF returning to the bargaining table -whoops, picketline lengthens

May 17 -update: mediation rejected by BCTF executive. It’s time to sit down to the table and find a just resolution.

CEP and the BCTF will return to the bargaining table May 14th. The move came after the CEP applied to the Labour Relations Board for mediation, although the BCTF has not yet offered an official response to the CEP’s proposal for mediation.

It’s the second time the CEP has turned to the LRB for help. The first attempt for mediation, in March, was unsuccessful in resolving the contract dispute. However, the situation has changed significantly in the past two months after the CEP went on strike and then was locked out by the BCTF on the eve of the CEP’s suspension of picket action.

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