“Straight A’s Never Made Anybody Rich By Wess Roberts”

2 posts in one day? Wuuut?

I found the following on a print out that was lying around in my accounting class. Hope it makes someone feel better (it sure made me feel better after receiving that midterm back…) To be honest, a lot of this is rather cheesy but, who really knows the potential of cheese.

These “suggestions” are from Straight A’s Never Made Anybody Rich: Lessons in Personal Achievement” By Wess Roberts

1) There are many paths to personal achievement. Often education and training lead you to the opportunity to make the most of your life.

2) A teacher’s job is to teach- to help you gain skills and knowledge. As a student, it is your responsibility to learn- even though it is sometimes convenient to blame poor teachers when you don’t.

3) Whether you have earned straight A’s or lesser grades, whether you are endowed with material riches or get by with something less, you are the master of your own destiny.

4) After you’ve done all you can to learn a new skill or to broaden your knowledge, you’ve earned the right to be proud of your efforts regardless of the grades you receive. (Remembering this point will help you become consistent and dependable, instilling in you a sense of self-worth, and all of these qualities are far more important that sheer brilliance.)

5) However poorly you perform in school, only you (not your grades) can keep you from learning the future the things you need to know to have a meaningful and productive life. Nonetheless, learn as much as you can while you’re in school!

6) Arriving at a major milestone is always more rewarding if you had fun while you were getting there. So enjoy each year of your schooling- and you will enjoy graduation day all the more.

7) Your school days illustrate how personal achievement is sometimes arrived at by a journey down a serpentine trail. Progress toward your goals often requires you to take steps sideways and even backward. But to graduate- or to accomplish other goals- you need to remember to take more than steps forward than in any other direction.

8) As a student, to arrive at the place you’ve set out to reach- promotion to the next grade and eventually graduation- you will have to endure difficulties and face challenges. From time to time, therefore, correct the course you’ve set.

9) And last, remember the ultimate goal of your school days is not to only learn what you don’t know but also to learn how to find out what you still need to know. Education is a lifelong process.

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