Welcome (a GRSJ 102 blog)

The content of this blog is curated by student members of GRSJ 102 (Feminist and Decolonizing Perspectives from the Local to the Global), Term 2 (2016-2017).

Students have been asked to use the weekly themes of the course, which double as the menu items to the left, as inspiration. Their contributions are a photograph and a caption that illustrate and analyze local manifestations of global issues that relate to their chosen weekly theme.


The stipulations are as follows:

  • Photographs must be recent (taken since January 2016), must be the student’s, and must have been taken locally (in Greater Vancouver)
  • Captions must describe the content and context of the photograph, articulate connections to weekly themes, analyze the linkages between local and global issues tht are illustrated in the photograph and apply insights from course readings and lecture content.

What the blog aims to do is, at its most basic, to illustrate the utility of intersectional feminist approaches for understanding how local social issues ‘here’ are tied in complex ways to global issues and processes.

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