Japanese Consulate – Global Financial Crisis

The Global Financial Crisis & Financial Linkages in the Asia-Pacific Region
By Dr. Akira KOHSAKA, Professor of Kwansei Gakuin University


Thursday, October 27, 2011

6:00 pm            Registration starts
6:00-7:00 pm    Catered Reception
7:00-8:00pm     Lecture and Q&A (in English)


SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue (Downtown Vancouver)
580 West Hastings Street
Strategy Room (3F)

 Professor Kohsaka’s talk will focus on East Asian emerging markets and how they are defined by the financial linkages which tie them to the international capital market.  The influence of international capital flows on the development of domestic financial systems will also be explored.  How does the global financial crisis affect East Asian emerging markets?  At a time when the BC Government has highlighted the importance of the Asian market for BC’s economic growth, Professor Kohsaka’s talk will help deepen our understanding on how both Canada and Japan can cope with the structural change of the international economy.

 Free Admission. Seating on a first-come basis.
RSVP by Monday, October 24, 2011 to: programs@consuljpnvan.com or
604-684-5868 ext. 370

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