National Investment Banking Competition and Conference – REGISTRATION CLOSES NEXT TUESDAY, OCT 25th!

The 2011 National Investment Banking Competition and Conference is calling all MBA and ECM team registrations – NOW!

Due to very short notice, the deadline to register teams has been extended from today (October 21st) until next Tuesday, October 25th.

The National Investment Banking Competition offers an unprecedented experience to students looking for ways to showcase and develop their skills in investment banking. Through the competition process, students have to value a company by using models prepared by professionals from the top Canadian investment banks, prepare a management presentation, and structure a simulated M&A transaction.

Finalists will have the unique opportunity to present to a panel of managing directors at the conference in January, where the winning graduate and undergraduate teams will receive $5,000.

If you are interested in entering a team of four into the Master’s division of this competition, please visit Vista to read the competition prospectus here:

Home PageGeneral Announcements › Case Competitions

or visit the website for more information.

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