Category Archives: Extracurricular Event

Cannacord Learning Commons Workshops Next Term

While we know most of you work full-time, you might be interested in hearing about following workshops and speaker series at the Point Grey campus: Posted on behalf of the Cannacord Learning Commons: Happy holidays! Keep an eye out for … Continue reading

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Reminder – NIBC early bird registration deadline is this Sunday, Dec 4th!

Just a reminder that if you are interested in registering for the National Investment Banking Conference in January, then the last date for the early-bird registration price is this Sunday, Dec 4th – so don’t delay! Some key facts: Early … Continue reading

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Celebrate Learning Week

Date: Saturday, October 29 – Sunday, November 6, 2011 Location: UBC Vancouver  Join us for the 4th Annual Celebrate Learning Week! This is a week-long showcase of teaching and learning opportunities available at UBC Vancouver.  We will honour and promote … Continue reading

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National Investment Banking Conference – Registration deadline Dec 4th!

  2012 National Investment Banking Conference     Key Facts Early Bird Deadline: December 4th, 2011 Registration Price:  $250 (early bird) or $350 (regular) – includes three nights’ accommodation at the 5-star Pan Pacific Hotel Vancouver and Conference ticket Highlights: Nationwide Career Fair, 14 Workshops … Continue reading

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National Investment Banking Conference – January 2012 – Early bird registration closes Dec 4th

This message is being posted on behalf of the NIBC Organising Team and Board of Advisors: Dear Student, We would like to invite you to the 3rd National Investment Banking Conference held on the 11th and 12th of January 2012 at … Continue reading

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Strategy Consulting Initiative (SCI)

Interested in becoming a consultant? Check out the Strategy Consulting Initiative (SCI), an opportunity to gain practical experience consulting a local business on a specific business problem or decision. Get hands on coaching from professional strategy consultants while participating in … Continue reading

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International Students – reminder to take the UBC i-graduate survey!

This message is being forwarded on behalf of James Ridge, Registrar and Associate Vice President, UBC Enrolment Services:  Dear International Graduate Students, Just as you receive regular feedback from us as you progress through your studies, we need to receive … Continue reading

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Lesley Wilkins Service Excellence Award

Lesley Wilkins was an employee with the Sauder School of Business from 1984 until 1993. In her memory, her family has provided an endowment enabling the School to give awards for Service Excellence to particularly deserving employees. Students can nominate … Continue reading

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An Evening on Creative Capitalism

Come hear from the Clinton Guistra Foundation and Toms Shoes. This Thursday, Nov 3rd, HA 492 at 6:30pm.  

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Creative Capitalism event – this Thursday, Nov 3rd, 6:30pm @ Point Grey Campus

Creative Capitalism! What does this mean? Come hear from the Clinton Guistra Foundation and Toms Shoes. This Thursday, Nov 3rd, in HA 492 at 6:30pm. Sponsored by the Arc Initiative.    

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