Category Archives: Uncategorized

MBA & ECM Programs Office Holiday Closure

Please note that the MBA & ECM Programs office and UBC will be closed from 1:00 pm, Friday, December 24, 2010 – 8:30 am, Tuesday, January 4, 2011. Have a safe and happy holiday season!

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Updated Orientation Schedule Posted

An updated version of the Pre-Core & Orientation schedule has been posted on Vista under: Home Page › Preparation & General Program Information › Structure of the MBA › orientation and registration. This version has locations listed for the Welcome … Continue reading

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Announcement: Copenhagen Business School – Summer Study Abroad Scholarships

UBC MBA Part-time Program Summer Study Abroad Scholarships – Copenhagen Business School  The MBA & ECM Programs Office is pleased to announce new scholarships for the ISUP Summer Program at Copenhagen Business School.  Background The scholarships, funded by the Dean’s … Continue reading

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Economics Pre-Core Notes

A set of notes for the Economics Pre-Core have been posted on Vista under: Home Page › Preparation & General Program Information › Program Preparation › Pre Core. Students taking the Economics Pre-Core are asked to print off these notes, … Continue reading

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Accounting Textbook Edition Change

NOTE: the accounting textbook has a new edition available.  The professor would like all students to purchase the 8th edition for the Pre-Core & Core.  Financial Accounting in an Economic Context, 8th Edition by Jamie Pratt ISBN 978-0-470-63529-2 November 2010, … Continue reading

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Core Textbook Additions

Four more textbooks required for the Core portion of your program have been posted on your Vista site under:  Home Page › Preparation & General Program Information › Structure of the MBA › Core Textbooks.

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MBA Backpacks

Each incoming MBA student will receive a complimentary compu-backpack (to get you used to being a student again!!).  These will be given out during the Pre-Core sessions and, for those of you not attending the Pre-Core, Orientation.

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Pre-Core Registration Now Available

Registration for the Pre-Core sessions is now available.  Instructions are on the Home Page › Preparation & General Program Information › Program Preparation › Pre-Core Registration  page in Vista. We have also now posted the Economics Pre-Core outline and self-test … Continue reading

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Pre-Core Registration

Please note that registration for Pre-Core sessions is not currently open.  We will let all students know when registration is available. Please note that  there is enough room for all students in these sessions so you do not have to … Continue reading

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Welcome to the 2011 Part-Time MBA Class! The MBA Office will be registering you for all your courses during your program. This means that you will not have to register for anything for the Winter semester, it will all be … Continue reading

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