Pollay Prize Marketing Lecture

Presenting a lecture by the recipient of the 2012 Pollay Prize, honouring intellectual excellence on marketing in the public interest:

Dr. Madhubalan Viswanthan, Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, takes a bottom-up, in-depth view of subsistence-level communities.  His pioneering, decade-long research provides unique insights into how low literacy and low income affect the way people think, feel, and build relationships in marketplaces.  He will discuss how these insights help design solutions and create enterprises in subsistence market places.

Friday, March 30, 2012
3:30 – 5:00pm
Sauder School of Business, DL 125
Open Attendance

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Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) Young Entrepreneur Award

We are inviting Canadian entrepreneurs, aged 18 to 35, to apply and compete for our $100,000 BDC Grand Prize for Innovation.

  • Young business owners are to submit a short video presenting an innovative project that will grow and improve their business.
  • Eleven finalists will be selected- one from each province and one from the combined territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut).
  • Once finalists have been selected, Canadians will vote for the winner of the $100,000 BDC Grand Prize for Innovation.

Deadline for application: April 8, 2012

For more details and to apply, visit our microsite at bdcyoungentrepreneuraward.ca or join us on Facebook at facebook.com/BDC.ca.

Young entrepreneurs can also follow BDC on Twitter at @BDC_News or on Linkedin to share news about the contest with other members of their network.

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Industry Project Information Session – Friday, April 13th 6:30pm

The MBA & ECM Programs Office will be providing dinner and reviewing all of the important details regarding Industry Projects.

We look forward to seeing you on April 13th!

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Candidates for Dean, Sauder School of Business Open Forums

Faculty, staff, students and other interested people are invited and encouraged to attend the following open forums:

  •  Arvind Rangaswamy, Senior Associate Dean for Research and Faculty, Smeal College of Business, The Pennsylvania State University
    • Monday, March 26, 2012: 1:00-2:30pm
    • HA 492
  • Robert Helsley, Professor and Chair in Real Estate Development, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
    • Wednesday, March 28, 2012: 1:00-2:30pm
    • HA 491
  • Kent Womack, Professor of Finance and Manulife Chair in Financial Services, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
    • Monday, April 2, 2012: 1:00-2:30pm
    • HA 491

Candidates have been asked to address, in about 15 minutes, the following:

Please give us an outline of your background and experience, highlighting the aspects that are relevant to this position.

  • What are your observations about the Sauder School of Business?  What would be your aspirations for the Faculty during your term as Dean?

Presentations will be followed by questions.

Forum participants are encouraged to provide their feedback.  Feedback forms will be distributed at the forums and other meetings.  Candidates’ CVs, and feedback forms are available from the Provost and Vice President Academic Office by contacting Pamela Moffett (pamela.moffett@ubc.ca;
604-827-4072) or Kate Carr (kate.carr@ubc.ca; 604-822-1288).

Note – it is not necessary to RSVP for these sessions.

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UBC-City of Vancouver Greenest City Scholars – Call for Applications

The UBC Sustainability Initiative (USI) is proud to once again sponsor ten graduate students currently enrolled in Masters or PhD programs at UBC Vancouver to work with the City of Vancouver to advance Vancouver’s greenest city goals. The Greenest City Scholars Program is open to UBC graduate students from all academic disciplines and runs from early May to August 2012. The USI will provide funding to successful candidates to work with the City in support of the Greenest City 2020 Action Plan.

Applications are due by 4 pm on March 21st 2012.

For more information on specific research projects and to apply, visit: http://www.sustain.ubc.ca/greenestcityscholars

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Invitation: Sauder Student Celebration & BBQ

On behalf of Dean Daniel F. Muzyka, we invite you to join us for a special Student Celebration & BBQ at the Sauder School of Business and Robert H. Lee Graduate School.

Wednesday April 4, 2012 
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m 
Remarks at 12:30 p.m.
CA Hall, Henry Angus Building

Do you have a great story about the Dean? Submit your stories and we’ll display them at the event.

Click here to RSVP before Friday March 30, 2012

Please note that you must pre-register  in order to attend this event.

**The MBA/ECM Programs Office received notice of the Sauder Student Celebration & BBQ this afternoon. To the PT students who are registered in FT modules: Adjustments to the exam schedule could not be made at such late notice and for that we apologize. If you’re able to make it, the event is a good break from studying!

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Search for a new Dean of the Sauder School of Business

To:  All members of the Sauder School of Business – faculty, staff, students
From:   David H. Farrar, Provost and Vice President Academic

I am pleased to announce that the following individuals have accepted an invitation from the President’s Advisory Committee to interview for the position of Dean of the Sauder School of Business:

Robert Helsley
Professor and Chair in Real Estate Development
Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

Arvind Rangaswamy
Senior Associate Dean for Research and Faculty
Smeal College of Business, The Pennsylvania State University

 Kent L. Womack
Professor of Finance and Manulife Chair in Financial Services
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Itineraries are being scheduled that will include individual and group meetings with faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, Faculty Advisory Board members, and members of the University’s senior administration.  Each candidate will make a presentation at a forum, open to staff, faculty members, students and other interested people. The presentation will be followed by a question period.  The dates, venues and other details will follow as quickly as possible.

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Registration & Student Service Centre

All Cohort 9 students have now been registered in their 2012 Summer courses.  If you have decided you do not wish to take BAMA 500 or BAHR 507, please drop them via the Student Service Centre.

Please note that when you log into the Student Service Centre you will now automatically be in 2012 Summer session.  If you wish to check registration in your current courses, please ensure you select 2011 Winter session.

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Canadian Youth Business Foundation

In the midst of ongoing economic and business uncertainty, there’s actually some good news on the small business front: Young people are continuing to start new businesses in Canada.

According to the federal government, three times more Canadian businesses are being opened by entrepreneurs between the ages of 25 and 34 than are being opened by those over the age of 45. However, these young entrepreneurs continue to face daunting challenges to small business success. Two of the biggest are a lack of capital and inadequate access to resources, especially guidance and mentorship from more experienced entrepreneurs.

But there’s one organization in Canada that’s committed to changing this. For the past 15 years, the Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) has been providing hands-on assistance to young Canadian entrepreneurs (age 18-34) in the form of pre- and post-launch business coaching, mentoring, financing, and a wide range of online business resources.

“CYBF is Canada’s ‘go to’ place for young entrepreneurs, and our success is proven,” says Cathy Delaney, the director of CYBF in British Columbia. “We help young entrepreneurs through the entire business life-cycle, from pre-launch planning to start-up and implementation.”

Cream-of-the-Crop Entrepreneurs

Delaney says CYBF doesn’t target entrepreneurs in any specific type of business or industry. “Traditional or high-tech, conservative or more ‘out there,’ it doesn’t really matter. We’re looking for the cream-of-the-crop young entrepreneurs in Canada who have the passion, drive and tenacity it takes to run a successful business.”

While a written business plan is one of the pre-requisites for obtaining assistance or financing from CYBF, “a good business plan isn’t enough,” says Delaney. “We want to help young people who are willing to go the extra mile to find their way around business obstacles, and who have the right mindset for entrepreneurship.”

CYBF provides loans of up to $15,000 for young entrepreneurs who qualify, amortized over up to five years. In addition, once they are approved for funding from CYBF, young entrepreneurs may also be eligible to receive up to twice the initial CYBF loan offer (up to $30,000) through the Business Development Bank of Canada.

Delaney stresses that, while banks and finance companies loan money based on the assets of a business, CYBF makes its lending decisions based on the assets of the entrepreneur. “Ours are character-based loans,” she explains. “We realize that many young entrepreneurs may not have built up the kind of business assets a bank or finance company is looking for in order to lend money.”

Mentor Support System

Entrepreneurs who are approved for financing receive four hours per month of hands-on business assistance and guidance from a volunteer CYBF mentor for a minimum of two years. “We have a strong support system that’s designed to do everything possible to help ensure the success of these new businesses,” says Delaney.

First Vancouver Finance Senior Vice President Tom Klausen has recently started his second mentoring assignment with CYBF. “I really enjoyed the first meeting when I learned about this young entrepreneur’s business and his aspirations for the future,” says Klausen. “Then at our second meeting, I got to share my experience and inject a dose of reality. But I’m not sure he enjoyed that part as much as I did!

“CYBF’s model of tying financial assistance to a mentoring relationship is an excellent one, and it really works well,” Klausen adds. “If you are experienced in business and enjoy working with young people, you will definitely enjoy getting involved as a CYBF mentor.”

If you know of a young entrepreneur between the ages of 18 and 34 who needs business financing or working capital but you are unable to provide financing due to the start-up nature of the business or a lack of business assets, please consider referring them to the Canadian Youth Business Foundation.

You can learn more about CYBF by visiting http://www.cybf.ca or calling (866) 646-2922.

Tom Klausen is the Senior Vice President of First Vancouver Finance (FVF), which has offices in Vancouver, BC and Toronto, ON. FVF provides creative financing solutions to small and medium-sized businesses all across Canada. Tom has worked in the alternative lending industry for more than 25 years and consults with businesses struggling to obtain traditional financing. You can reach him at TKlausen@FVF.ca or visit http://www.FVF.ca

To learn more about FVF and the financing options we can provide to clients, please visit www.fvf.ca us at (800) 663-0721.

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BTM Specialization Requirement Change

Please note that BAIT 512 Managing IT-Related Business Risks will not be taught in the FT MBA program this year and has been removed from the BTM Specialization requirements. Students will now have only 5 required modules and 2 electives to complete in order to attain this specialization. The change applies to the 2013 FT MBA class, and the 2013 PT MBA Class.

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