NRG Battle – World Edition in Kuala Lumpur

The NRG Battle – World Edition is the competition for innovation and sustainability, organized during the World Gas Conference in Kuala Lumpur.

100 global top talents work for four days in multidisciplinary teams of five, on challenging cases provided by companies from the energy sector. At the end of the four days, each team presents their idea in a 3-minute pitch to an expert jury, consisting of CEO’s and Directors. The jury nominates three teams that will pitch their idea once more to 5000 delegates at the World Gas Conference, who will then choose the winner of the NRG Battle – World edition.

Participation is free of charge for students, including flight tickets, accommodation and food & drinks. Students can check to sign up and read all about the NRG Battle – World Edition. This is the chance of a lifetime for Bachelor, Master, MBA or PhD students interested in a career in the energy sector.

Additional information? Check out the promotional video or the NRG Battle World Edition Flyer.

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Van Berkom-John Molson School of Business (JMSB) Case Competition

Sauder MBA students are invited to participate in the Van Berkom-John Molson School of Business (JMSB) Case Competition on May 4th-5th. This finance case competition will focus on small-cap portfolio management and is open to all graduate business students.

Van Berkom-JMSB Case Comp Invitation Package

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PIM Students: Calling for Participants to Join a Team

A team of MBA students from Warwick Business School are participating in a Financial Times MBA competition and are looking for someone to join their team. This exciting project is to develop a business plan to market glasses to young people in one or more developing countries in Asia and/or Africa. Details about the competition can be found using the link below.

The team currently has 4 people with different nationalities and backgrounds and they are looking for a student based in either Asia / Africa or the Americas with an interest in psychology/education / marketing communications.

If you are interested please email by March 5th.


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Key Card Access Update

Effective immediately, the door at the north end of the RHL Graduate Wing (by classroom DL 125) will be locked 24/7. Graduate students may enter the building through this door using their student card. We are attempting to reduce the number of people walking through the RHL Graduate Wing, making your classrooms and graduate breakout rooms quieter and less distracting. Only faculty, staff and Sauder graduate students should have access through these doors.


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Advising at Robson Square Friday, March 2nd

Alina Yukhymets will be available for PT MBA advising at Robson Square Friday, March 2nd in the afternoon.  Please email if you wish to set up an appointment and indicate your preferred time (Currently available: 1:00pm; 1:30pm; 2:00pm; 2:30pm; 3:00pm; 3:30pm; 4:00pm).

Location: Office number RS 1-942, located in the Business Families Centre (on the same level as the bookstore, past the couches). Please ring the buzzer if the entrance to the area is locked.

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Speaker Spotlight: An Event with Gregg Saretsky, CEO of WestJet and Sauder Alum

Gregg Saretsky speaks about his journey from Sauder Alum to CEO on Wednesday March 7 @ 5:30 pm. Come listen to his story and hear what he looks for in an interview.

Limited 70 spots for all UBC students so sign up quickly. Reserve your spot here!

*$5 at the door

For more information, please click here.
Questions or Comments? Email Alex Monegro at

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You’ve got vision – Tell us about it (organized by VanCity)

The Good Money™ Impact Venture Challenge is for students and recent graduates building businesses that create positive change. We’ve got expertise, advice and financial support up for grabs.

Three prizes – $50,000, $25,000 and $15,000 – will be awarded.
Deadline to apply is Friday, March 16, 2012.

Click here for more information and the Official Competition Rules.

Our vision of Wealth is all about blending financial, social and environmental returns for our members and their communities. You get that; you share the vision. And you’ve set up a viable, promising business that does great things for your community or the environment. So show us – there’s money to be won. Plus, there’s the opportunity to connect to a whole Vancity network of individuals with community impact expertise.

Follow the links above for more details, or contact:
Deanna Button
Project Manager

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PT Cohort 9 Exams – Long Weekends

Dear class, in proceeding with majority vote, exams that were scheduled for long weekends in May & June will be held as follows:

  • BAAC 500 & BASM 502:  May 20, 2012 (remains on Victoria Day long weekend)
  •  BAHR 507 & BAMA 500:  moved to June 23 or 24 (taken off Canada Day long weekend).  Details regarding actual date will be forwarded to the class once confirmed.
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UBC’s Got Talent Auditions Due March 5th

Do you have a talent to perform live or do you like to watch live performances?

UBC’s Got Talent highlights singing, dancing, instrumental, theatre, spoken word and other performing talents from the UBC community. Students, alumni, staff, faculty and residents of the University Neighbourhood Association are invited to audition. All levels of experience are welcome.

Auditions are accepted through a video link until March 5th at

The UBC Bookstore is pleased to produce this event, to be held on March 29 at the newly renovated Old Auditorium. Donations to the United Way Campaign will be accepted at the event in return for a ballot to rank performances.

Performances ranked in the top three will receive prizes from the Bookstore.

Tickets were a hot commodity last year and sold out quickly so book early for the March 29, 2012 show!

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CETA’s Significance: Exploring the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement Between Canada and the E.U

The European Union Centre of Excellence at York University and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Toronto are pleased to present a one-day seminar on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and E.U. currently being negotiated.

The event will take place on Wednesday, February 29th, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm in the Ontario Investment & Trade Centre (250 Young Street, 35th floor, Toronto ON).

This event will bring together key players in the negotiations, academics and representatives of a variety of stakeholder groups for a day of panel presentations and discussions examining CETA from a variety of perspectives.

Themes to be addresses in the day’s panels include industry and labour, agriculture and the environment as well as investment and public procurement.

A limited number of travel subsidies are available to facilitate the participation of students and faculty at Canadian Universities. To inquire about these, please contact

All are welcome, however preregistration at the link below is required:

For more information on this event, please visit: or click on the CETA Seminar Poster.

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