Calling all German-speaking graduates for the German MBA Conference 2011

Columbia Business School cordially invites all German-speaking graduate students to the German MBA Conference 2011 in New York City from November 18th to 20th.

The German MBA Conference 2011 offers students the rare opportunity to personally interact, and to discuss the conference’s topic “Volatile World” with senior company representatives, including:

  • Frank Mattern
    Managing Partner
    McKinsey & Company Germany
  • Dr. Lutz R. Raettig
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board
    Morgan Stanley Bank AG, Frankfurt
  •  Michael Kruklinski
    Vice President
    Corporate Development & Strategy
    Siemens Corporation
  • Professor Bruce C. N. Greenwald
    Director of the Heilbrunn Center for Graham & Dodd Investing
    Columbia Business School

In addition, students can directly network with many representatives of the competition sponsors McKinsey & Company, Barclays Capital, Morgan Stanley, and Allianz to further your recruiting efforts.

Last but not least, the conference will provide ample time for students to grow their personal network: Kick the conference off on Friday night at the cocktail reception, enjoy the gala dinner in Club 21 and New York City nightlife on Saturday, and finish off a great weekend with a Sunday brunch.

You can find the preliminary agenda, speaker bios, sponsor information and the registration form online at

The registration page is now open. The registration fee is $120. Application deadline: Monday, October 31st, 2011.

Your 2011 GMBA conference team

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New Key Card Access Restrictions


Please note that new key card access restrictions will begin November 1st at 7:00am. Ensure that your card is properly programed in order for you to gain access to the MBA entrance to the corridor. The new hours are as follows:

Door from CA Hall into Graduate Student area:
Monday-Thursday 7:00am-7:00pm: Door will be open access, no key card required.
Monday-Thursday 7:00pm-11:00pm: Door will be key card access only.

Friday 7:00am-5:00pm: Door will be open access, no key card required.
Friday 5:00pm-11:00pm: Door will be key card access only

Saturday-Sunday & Holidays: Key card access required at all times.

The David Lam Corridor entrance will be programmed to key card access only during all days/times.

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Post-Core Presentation & Planning Tool

The Post-Core presentation that was given on Saturday this past weekend and the Program Planning tool created by Theresa Scott have both been posted on your Vista site: Sauder Masters Workshops – 2011 Part-Time MBA under: Home PagePost-Core Modules›.

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Reminder – Team registrations for National Investment Banking Competition close at midnight tonight!

If you are interested in competing in the 2011 National Investment Banking Competition and Conference, make sure you register by midnight tonight! 

The National Investment Banking Competition offers an unprecedented experience to students looking for ways to showcase and develop their skills in investment banking. Through the competition process, students have to value a company by using models prepared by professionals from the top Canadian investment banks, prepare a management presentation, and structure a simulated M&A transaction.

Finalists will have the unique opportunity to present to a panel of managing directors at the conference in January, where the winning graduate and undergraduate teams will receive $5,000.

Please visit Vista to read the competition prospectus here:

Home PageGeneral Announcements › Case Competitions

or visit the website for more information.

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BAEN 506 / 507 Module & Application Information (Technology Entrepreneurship) – Applications due by November 30th

Key dates:

  • Applications are due by Wednesday November 30th 2011
  • A social mixer will be held in the 1st week of December

Have you ever wanted to be your own boss? Do you have an idea that could be the next Facebook or be better than the iPhone? Have an idea that could save the world? Prove it!

We would like to welcome you to learn more about this year’s Technology Entrepreneurship course, BAEN 506 / BAEN 507, that is making waves here at UBC and Stanford! This is UBC’s own real life “Dragon’s Den” where you work with MBA’s and Engineers to create exciting business opportunities around new technologies and cutting edge ideas. You’ll have the opportunity to pitch your idea to real Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs for real-life, hard-cutting advice.  You want to hone your business chops and be the next big thing in tech? This is the place for you!

Please refer to the website for more information about the course and application process.

Students can sign up for the course through the online portal Matygo.  Students should create a profile giving their contact information and answering the questions outlined in the ‘Syllabus’ section. All applications will be reviewed through this portal so no other paperwork is required. Use the Join Code A3P4sr

You can email for further information.

The course takes place in the Full-Time MBA program on Tuesday nights, 6pm-9:30pm over Periods 1 & 2 (January – April 2012). Maximum enrolment for this course is 48 students, 24 each from the MBA & Engineering programs. Online applications are due by November 30th.

All students are encouraged to look through the Matygo site for possible group members and ideas that they are interested in working on. All groups should have 2 MBAs and 2 Science students. Groups will be finalized at the December Social mixer.


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Chasing Sustainability Conference – Oct 28th, 2011

The annual Chasing Sustainability conference, run by the Commerce Undergraduate Society, will take place on October 28, 2011 at the Liu Institute for Global Issues located on campus at 6476 NW Marine Drive (V6T 1Z2).  Tickets are available now to all Sauder graduate students and are only $12 for Sauder students and $15 for externals.

For more information about the conference, including the itinerary, please visit the following website:

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National Investment Banking Competition and Conference – REGISTRATION CLOSES NEXT TUESDAY, OCT 25th!

The 2011 National Investment Banking Competition and Conference is calling all MBA and ECM team registrations – NOW!

Due to very short notice, the deadline to register teams has been extended from today (October 21st) until next Tuesday, October 25th.

The National Investment Banking Competition offers an unprecedented experience to students looking for ways to showcase and develop their skills in investment banking. Through the competition process, students have to value a company by using models prepared by professionals from the top Canadian investment banks, prepare a management presentation, and structure a simulated M&A transaction.

Finalists will have the unique opportunity to present to a panel of managing directors at the conference in January, where the winning graduate and undergraduate teams will receive $5,000.

If you are interested in entering a team of four into the Master’s division of this competition, please visit Vista to read the competition prospectus here:

Home PageGeneral Announcements › Case Competitions

or visit the website for more information.

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Japanese Consulate – Global Financial Crisis

The Global Financial Crisis & Financial Linkages in the Asia-Pacific Region
By Dr. Akira KOHSAKA, Professor of Kwansei Gakuin University


Thursday, October 27, 2011

6:00 pm            Registration starts
6:00-7:00 pm    Catered Reception
7:00-8:00pm     Lecture and Q&A (in English)


SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue (Downtown Vancouver)
580 West Hastings Street
Strategy Room (3F)

 Professor Kohsaka’s talk will focus on East Asian emerging markets and how they are defined by the financial linkages which tie them to the international capital market.  The influence of international capital flows on the development of domestic financial systems will also be explored.  How does the global financial crisis affect East Asian emerging markets?  At a time when the BC Government has highlighted the importance of the Asian market for BC’s economic growth, Professor Kohsaka’s talk will help deepen our understanding on how both Canada and Japan can cope with the structural change of the international economy.

 Free Admission. Seating on a first-come basis.
RSVP by Monday, October 24, 2011 to: or
604-684-5868 ext. 370

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Christian Bason: The MindLab Approach

Christian Bason: The MindLab Approach
How to Co-Create for Innovation

 Ever thought government could be run better and be more innovative? Then join us for a discussion on innovation in the public sector with Christian Bason. Christian is Director of MindLab, a cross-ministerial innovation unit in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is also the author of three books on leadership, innovation and change in the public sector. His most recent book, Leading Public Sector Innovation: Co-creating for a better society, offers new tools for citizen involvement through design thinking and ethnographic research. Through inspiring global case studies and practical examples, Christian addresses key triggers for public sector innovation. He identifies the leadership roles that we need to drive innovation at all levels of government.

 When: Thursday, October 27, 2011
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Where: Henry Angus 492
2053 Main Mall, UBC Vancouver

Spots are limited. To attend you must RSVP here.
Questions or comments? Email Alex Monegro at

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UBC E-mail Address

For those students wishing to have a UBC e-mail address, there are currently two options, both of which are forwarding systems.  Please note that both options are email forwarding services only, and do not yet include any kind of mailbox or mail storage services.

  1. Sauder Alumni Forwarding system:   The Sauder Office offers an e-mail forwarding system  with a address.  To sign up for the Sauder alumni email forwarding account, current students should visit follow the online instructions. Students will need their CWL to sign up.NOTE:  At present, there is discussion about ending the Sauder Alumni email forwarding service and moving to a UBC Alumni email forwarding service. No decisions have been made about this yet, but it is likely a decision will be made in the new year or spring of 2012. If Sauder does decide to convert to the UBC Alumni email forwarding service, all efforts will be taken to allow current users of the Sauder Alumni email forwarding service to continue using the address.  We will keep you and your class up to date on this.
  2. UBC Forwarding system:   All students and alumni are eligible to sign up for a UBC email forwarding address,, which can be used even after graduation. This address can be forwarded to an email mailbox of your choice.  To sign up for the UBC alumni email forwarding account, current students should visit and follow the online instructions. Students will need their CWL to sign up.

Please note for both these options: if you would like to be able to send email from your @alumni address, you will need to change the settings on your personal email account (the account you have chosen to forward your messages to) and add your @alumni account as an additional address. By doing this, when you are composing messages, you can then choose whether the message shows your existing e-mail address as your “From” address, or your new @alumni address.

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