Women In™ Technology

Join Minerva in celebrating Women In™ Technology

Tickets are now on sale for the 7th annual Women In™ Luncheon, celebrating and
honouring women working in non-traditional fields. This year will see Minerva honour
Women In™ Technology, presented by Teck Resources.

The Honourees this year are:
• Laurie Schultz of ACL Services
• Mary Sanseverino of the University of Victoria
• Marija Radulovic-Nastic of Electronic Arts

and the recipient of SAP’s inaugural Emerging Leader award is: Stephanie Wilson of Hatch

Women In™ Technology
November 28, 2012
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
The Four Seasons Hotel

RSVP: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e6cpqtz810c2bdb6&llr=dkdybgfab


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Save the Date for an Influential Speaker!

On November 19th we will be hosting Larry Summers, former Director of the United States’ National Economic Council, and former President of Harvard University. Mr. Summers has advised the governments of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama on economic policy. He will give us an insider’s view on the economic policies pursued by President Barack Obama’s government.

You’ll receive an invitation to register, via email, on Friday Nov. 16th at 12:30pm. We expect this event to fill up fast, so be ready to register.

We will be hosting Mr. Summers on Monday, Nov. 19th from 3:00pm – 4:00pm.

This event is only open to Sauder student, staff, and faculty. We will not be able to accommodate request for non-Sauder guests.

We will be webcasting the event to two overflow rooms: HA254 and HA296.

You can watch a clip of Mr. Summers here

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PT MBA Career Workshops

PT MBA Career Workshops 2012 counting towards your BA520 credits:

Articulating Your Unique Value:
November 21, 6-8 pm – Robson Square, C100
Interested in discovering your unique value proposition and how to communicate it effectively to others? Leadership Coach Jeff Balin will deliver this workshop in a small group setting for PT MBA students so reserve your seat early by registering via COOL.
Mastering Behavioral Interviews:
November 27, 6:00-7:30 pm – Robson Square, C100
Discover what key competencies the interviewer will be assessing during a typical job interview and how to prepare and ace this form of interviewing. We will also cover how you can interview candidates better if you are on the other side of the table.Register via COOL if you are interested in attending this workshop!
Case Interview Basics:
December 6 , 6:00-7:30 pm – Robson Square, C100
Interested in strategic consulting or internal strategy/change management roles within organizations? If so, you are expected to master a case interview. This workshop covers the concept of case interviewing, introduces the approaches on how to solve a case, and how one can prepare for it properly. Register via COOL if you are interested in attending this workshop!

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Call for Applications: the 2013 ULI/Gerald D. Hines Urban Design Competition

Students interested in participating in this competition can add their name & contact info here and contact potential teams members.  Please note that once you have a team, you will have to officially register for this program through the official website.

Big ideas. Bold visions. The enduring legacy of Gerald D. Hines.

The eleventh annual Urban Land Institute/Gerald D. Hines Student Urban Design Competition is now accepting applications from graduate student teams for the 2013 competition.

Do you envision a more innovative built environment? Put your skills and ideas to the test and compete to win $50,000.

Successful real estate development and design in the 21st century requires intensive collaboration across disciplines and sectors. In the Hines Competition, you will have the chance to form a multidisciplinary team with four other graduate students in the United States or Canada and tackle a real land use challenge in a U.S. city.

Application due date: December 10, 2012
Applicants notified of eligibility: December 14, 2012
Competition dates: January 14, 2013 – January 28, 2013

This is an ideas competition with no expectation that any of the submitted schemes will be applied to any site. The winning team will receive $50,000 and the finalist teams $10,000 each.

For more information, visit the Web site: http://www.udcompetition.org

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Taking the Plunge into Entrepreneurship Conference

On October 27, 2012 connect with local business people and experts on everything to do with entrepreneurship.

Don’t worry if you haven’t started your business plan, this conference is catered towards all types of entrepreneurs – choose the sessions you’d like to attend throughout the day. We’ve got all topics covered like:

  • Conference introduction by Warren Roy, CEO and Founder of Global Relay
  • Legal advice by Elaine Tham of Davis LLP and Charmane Sing of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
  • Fundraising by Irfhan Rajani, CEO of Coleco Inc., Robert Napoli, Vice President of First West Capital and Mark Grey, Regional Director of Maple Trade Finance Inc.
  • Brand recognition by David Childs of Living Blueprint
  • Social responsibility by Suzanne Siemans (Lunapad), Brian Postlewait (Mission Possible), Brian Prenovost (Propellor Social Enterprise Advisors) and more!

For more information on the conference agenda or to read all about our presenters, click here.

To end your day, we’ve invited Peter Legge, Chairman and CEO of Canada Wide Media, to share his wisdom and inspiration on how he grew his start-up to a multimillion dollar media giant.

Register here to take advantage of this exciting conference. Your ticket includes full lunch and two breaks.

There are also chances to win Canada Wide Media gift baskets and a grand prize of a 1 to 2-day professional development executive education seminar from Sauder Executive Education (valued at $1,295)!

Explore what entrepreneurship means to you and take the plunge!

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Doing Business in Israel – Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Israeli model

There’s a great opportunity to take part in a program outside of the normal exchange application cycle.

Doing Business in Israel  (DBI) is an 11-day program that frames the central aspects of doing business in Israel within the context of the country’s booming high-tech and bio-tech economy and the emerging of global Israeli companies.

The program offers a unique synthesis between state of the art academic studies and practical, hands-on experience with the Israeli high-tech industry and its leaders.
Academically, the connecting thread of the DBI program will be a set of Recanati Business School case series on strategy issues of Israeli firms. The cases reflect the Israeli economy by concentrating on companies from different industries, at different lifecycle stages, and different in size. The study of each of these cases will be led by a guest lecturer from among the company’s executives and will include a field trip to the company.

The program consists of approximately 40 contact hours of classes and workshops, three company visits, a visit to the Tel Aviv stock exchange, and tours of Israel, including an overnight stay at a kibbutz.

  • Credits: 3 credit units
  • Dates: January 1 – 10th 2013
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Application Deadline:  Apply now. Applications will be accepted no later than Wednesday October 24th, 2012.

Questions? Interested in applying? Please email MBAexchange@sauder.ubc.ca.

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UBC Enterprise Architecture Conference

Want to learn more about IT and how to bridge the gap between IT and business? This year UBC BizTech Network and Sauder’s MIS Faculty are going to present the very first ‘Enterprise

Architecture (EA) Conference’. This one-day conference aims to introduce university students the profession of Enterprise Architecture (EA) and how EA brings benefits to businesses. Come to the EA Conference on Saturday, October 27, 2012, and learn about this profession with growing importance, network with practitioners from ICBC, PHSA, Vancity, IBM, Troux, Finning Canada, and many more, and become a part of UBC’s new Enterprise Architecture Initiative!

Check us out on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/events/121544284663600/) and sign up at http://ubcbiztech.rezgo.com today! Seats are limited. So please sign up now to guarantee your spot.

What is EA? Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a comprehensive framework used to manage and align an organization’s information technology (IT) assets, people, operations, and projects with its operational characteristics. EA is a vital component of successful organizations and can have a significant impact on business competitiveness. In brief, planning for the development of information systems is similar to planning for buildings and cities. You will learn more about EA from the professionals at this conference.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this project provided by UBC students via the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF).

UBC BizTech Network

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Business Now! Alumni Speaker Series – Ken Sims

Hello from the BCC!

We would like to let you know about a great event coming up at the end of October.
Please visit COOL to register for the event below!  We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 30 – Business Now! Alumni Speaker Series
Pan Pacific Hotel, 999 Canada Place
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm

Come here Ken Sims speak about taking risks and leaving investment banking to become an entrepreneur.

*Business Attire & Sauder name tags are required for this event*

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Links – Guest Speaker: Bruce Hilland, Special Advisor

For those who missed the Bruce Hilland presentation on September 26, 2012, there are links to the PowerPoint and a taping of the session provided in this blog post.

A recap about this presentation:
Topic: Equity Capital Markets – Recent Developments in Major World Stock Markets

Bruce shared his insights into the impact of major events on the World stock markets, including the most recent round of Quantitative easing, the Euro crisis, and what went wrong on the Facebook IPO.  Bruce has worked in Equity Capital Markets for 28 years and has been based in London since 1996, when he transferred there to set up the European equities business for TD Securities.

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National Investment Banking Competition 2013

National Investment Banking Competition 2013 Key Information:

–   Teams can either be three or four members and can register at NIBC.ca
–   $10,000 prize pool awarded to winning teams
–   Separate MBA and undergraduate competition divisions
–   Over 23 universities across North America will be participating
–   The deadline to register a team is October 12th, 2012, after which the Preliminary Case will be disseminated

About the Competition:

The Competition consists of a Preliminary Round and a Final Round, with cases prepared by investment banking professionals to closely reflect the work of analysts and associates at investment banks. The top ten MBA teams and top fifteen undergraduate teams are chosen from the Preliminary Round to compete in the Final Round for a $10,000 prize pool. The Organizing Team has worked closely with our Industry Sponsors and Board of Advisors to create a competition that reflects high-quality, potential real life transactions of publicly traded companies.

Participating in the Preliminary and Final Rounds of the Competition will give students hands-on experience and insight into the actual work that investment bankers accomplish when executing transactions, such as financial modeling, evaluating scenarios against client parameters, and creating pitch-books. The Competition culminates with a live pitch to Senior Managing Directors of leading Canadian investment banks.


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