MBA Games – Sign-up – OPEN NOW – Deadline to register is this Friday!

Message on behalf of your MBA Society:


The Canadian MBA Games began at Queen’s University in 1988, and has now become a tradition in the Canadian MBA community. Last year the UBC MBA team placed third! – And this year, we know we can do better.

The MBA Games competition provides students an unparalleled opportunity to meet their fellow MBA’s from across Canada, creating a unique platform for companies to interact with students through networking events, academic cases and event sponsorship.
(From the MBA Games 2013 Website)

Event Dates/location: Jan 4 – 6 2013, in Hamilton/Burlington, Ontario

Competition and Events:




More event details can be found at:!home/mainPage

Time Commitment:

MBA Games Team Captains should expect to devote 5-15 hours per week depending on the stage of preparation.  All other participants should also expect to devote 3 hours per week on practicing for the events they are participating in.  In addition, each participant will need to devote an average of 5 hours per week on the video submission and opening ceremony performance.


The following expenses are eligible for reimbursement under the Dean’s fund once the team returns from the competition:

*Students are expected to pay up front for all competition related expenses.

  • 50% of the flight cost (economy class). Only flights from Vancouver and to the competition destinations (and back) will be considered for reimbursemeht. Students are not permitted to miss any unnecessary classes and must get permission from their instructors to attend the case competition on the specified dates only.
  • 100% Registration (not including meals)

Students are responsible for paying for food, transportation within the host city, and any other personal expenses.

As such students can expect their out of pocket expenses to be roughly around $700, not including the reimbursements noted above.

Please keep in mind that the expense re-imbursements will be submitted in one lump –sum (for all MBA Games participants) by your MBA Games Representatives directly to the VP Finance for approval. The VP Finance will then submit the expenses to the MBA & ECM Programs office. Students can expect reimbursement approximately 30 days from the day the expenses are submitted to the MBA & ECM Programs office.

More information on the re-imbursement process will be shared as we get closer to the dates of travel.

Event Sign-up:

Please add your name to the sign-up sheet mba games interest by 11.59 pm on Friday, Sept 21, if you would like to be considered as a participant on this years’ team.

The MBA Games Representatives will be working with Staff, & Faculty and MBAS Executives on final team selection.  Students who are chosen to participate will be contacted by the MBA Games Representative by the second week of October.

Election Details:

The deadline to email your nominations for the MBA Games representatives to Hart Massie at  is 11.59 pm on Sunday, Sept 23.

From the list of nominees, the class will vote (electronically) to select the top two MBA Games Representatives on Monday Sept 24.  The top two vote getters will be named as MBA Games Team Captains. More information on the election details will be posted on the programs office blog next Monday.

Lastly, the above information will be posted on the Student Development page on your Connect site. We are in the process of publishing this page and will let you know once it is ready for you.


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Period 5 Exam Schedule: October 9th to October 13th

The Period 5 exam schedule is now posted on the Sauder website here.  The exam schedule is also posted on your Vista site under:  Home Page› >Post-Core Modules> Schedules & Outlines.

Please note, if your module’s final evaluation is not listed please consult with your instructor. Also, the due dates and times for some final evaluations are subject to change depending on the instructor.

As per the Examination Policy:

  • All exams, whether FT or PT, must be sat at the time stated in the exam schedule.
  • Exams may not be re-arranged to accommodate students’ travel plans, irrespective of the reason for travelling.
  • Extensions may only be granted by the MBA & ECM Programs Office for medical reasons.
  • Students must notify the MBA & ECM Programs Office ( prior to the start of the exam if they are too ill to write.  A doctor’s note must be provided prior to the scheduling of a new exam date.

Any student with Examination Hardship defined as THREE or more exams within a 24-hour period should report this to the MBA & ECM Programs Office Programs Office ( no later than Friday, September 28th, 2012.

Failure to notify the MBA& ECM Programs Office of 3 exams within 24 hours by the deadline given may result in students not being able to have an alternate exam sitting.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email

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Guest Speaker: Bruce Hilland, Special Advisor, STJ Advisors

Guest Speaker: Bruce Hilland, Special Advisor, STJ Advisors (London, UK)
Wednesday Sept 26 2012
12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
DL 125 (David Lam)
Lunch will be provided
Topic: Equity Capital Markets – Recent Developments in Major World Stock Markets

Bruce will be sharing his insights into the impact of major events on the World stock markets, including the most recent round of Quantitative easing, the Euro crisis, and what went wrong on the Facebook IPO.  Bruce has worked in Equity Capital Markets for 28 years and has been based in London since 1996, when he transferred there to set up the European equities business for TD Securities.

Event is only open to registered applicants. Please sign up here for the event by Monday, Sept 24 2012 before 4:00 PM.

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PT MBA Academic Advising at Robson Square September 21st

Alina Yukhymets will be available for PT MBA academic advising (course and program planning, registration, schedules, etc) at Robson Square Campus Friday, September 21st.  To schedule an appointment, please email or call 604-827-5283 and indicate your preferred time (Currently available: 11:30am; 12:00pm; 12:30pm; 1:00pm; 1:30pm; 2:30pm; 3:00pm; 3:30pm; 4:00pm).

Location: Office number RS 1-942, located in the Business Families Centre (on the same level as the bookstore, past the couches). Please ring the buzzer if the entrance to the area is locked.

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The World’s Fourth Wave: Green Economy

Date: Friday, September 14th Forum
Time: 4:00pm – 6:30pm
CIRS Building  – 2260 West Mall (MG Auditorium), UBC Point Grey

A series of guest presenters will speak about the current “Green Wave” of sustainable technologies and its effect on the economy. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion, following each presentation.

Click here for Additional Information

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‘Welcome Back’ Reception Invitation

We are excited to invite you to our annual PT MBA Welcome Back  Wine and Cheese Reception in the Oceanview Suite #1 at the Pan Pacific Hotel.

This will be your opportunity to catch up with your classmates after summer, mingle between two PT MBA cohorts and learn what to expect during the upcoming school year. The MBA Programs office and the Business Career Centre will highlight the upcoming programming.

Location: Pan Pacific Hotel, Ocean View Suite 1 (by Canada Place)

Time: September 20th 5.30-7.30 pm

Dress code: Business Casual

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UBC Robson Square Library Closure

Research libraries across North America are evolving to suit user needs and services, and UBC Library is no exception. As part of its strategic plan and budgetary forecast, UBC Library has announced a number of changes to services at various campus branches and sites, including the closing of the Robson Square branch on August 31, 2012.

These transformative changes will allow the Library to strengthen its position as a valued partner in research, teaching and learning on campus.

This is a time of transformative change for UBC Library, and we will continue to consult with the campus community on a number of these emerging activities. Further communication on these changes will be posted on the Library¹s website, through in-person meetings and via email updates.

To view all the strategic changes for the libraries, please visit:

For more information, or if you have additional questions, please send an e-mail to with “UBC Library changes” in the subject line. We will respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible.

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Canacord Learning Commons – Special Speaker & Workshops

Welcome back, you have a great year ahead

We’re excited you’re back. I want to let you know about some key services you should be using this year, and that you should save the date for a great speaker on September 18th.

What’s available to you this year:

Starting the week of Sept. 10th our Writing Coaching will being in CLC219. You’ll also be able to get one-on-one support on how to use the equipment, and software in our Digital Media Lab from our student experts starting Sept. 10th.

  • To find out more about our coaching services, including the schedules, click here.
  • To find out what time our students experts are in the Digital Media Lab, click here.
  • To find out what equipment is available to you for your ePorfolio efforts, click here.

Save the date for an amazing speaker!

On September 18th we will be hosting Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations. Mr. Annan will be candidly discussing his time at the UN, and will be able to draw from experiences and lessons learned during the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, unrest in the middle east, and conflicts in Africa. Mr. Annan was most recently serving as the UN/League of Arab States Join Special Envoy to Syria. He’ll be providing us with his unique perspective on world order.

You’ll receive an invitation to register, via email, on Friday Sept. 14th at 12:30pm. The invitation will include the time and location of the event. We expect this event to fill up fast, so be ready to register.

This event is only open to Sauder students and members of the Sauder community.

Conversation Series made possible with contributions from the Sauder Development and Alumni Engagement Office.

Questions or comments? Email Alex Monegro at

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2012W Term 1 Tuition Payment Reminder

This is a reminder that, unless otherwise noted on your account on the Student Service Centre, your next tuition payment is due by no later than the end of the day, Wednesday, September 5, 2012.

For information on different payment options, please visit the UBC web site:

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Writing Improvement Program Sessions

Looking for writing support? Interested in attending a drop-in session to work with a tutor?

Writing Improvement Program sessions at the Canaccord Learning Commons are available three afternoons per week beginning in September on the following days:

Tuesdays: 1:00-4:00pm
Wednesdays 1:00-4:00pm
Thursdays 11:00-2:00pm

Students can sign up, drop in and work with a tutor on any current writing assignments or they can simply come to CLC 219, sit and work and ask questions as they arise. International students will particularly find these sessions helpful but other students are welcome to use the service as well!

Click on the link to view the Writing Improvement Poster.

Questions? Email Barb Duzy at


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