New Online Resource (Evisors) for 2015 Class

We have recently acquired a new, high value resource for you. The Evisors webinar platform is a biz school focused resource with a large and growing library of webinars related to careers and career skills for MBAs and other business students. In order to gain access to these webinars, you need to do the following:
  1. Go to the custom Evisors landing page.
  2. Review the information on the landing page.
  3. Make note of the special “email username” that you need to use to access the site. It takes the form of In order to gain unpaid access to the webinar library, you need to use this username (substituting your own name of course).
  4. Click “View Webinar Library”
  5. On the home page, login using the special username (see image below).
  6. Enjoy. (This resource will be available to you as an alumni as well)


Screenshot - Evisors login