Week 5 response

I believe it was interesting to read about Latin American countries after achieving independence from Spain. Although they achieved it they had to face so many problems such as instability and economic growth. Consequently, Caudillos appeared to take power and from the reading Juan Manuel de Rosas may be one of the most famous brutal leader. When an influence of Catholic Church and Spanish colonialists disappeared, this led to the emerge of Caudillo. Before I took this course, I had no idea about it, but the reading allowed me to know what it is and famous caudillos from Latin America. The  Caudillos did not prefer to have a modern state where they create systems and institutions. Adherent of Caudillos were mainly peasants and Indians, who wanted defend their autonomy and community from liberals who sought to create a modern state. Caudillos granted lands to peasants to join military and peasants and Indians needed Caudillos to protect them. Therefore, people may state that they were relying on each other.

I found interesting and surprising to learn about Santa Anna who was considered a independence hero and villain at the same time. I knew that Mexico lost the war against America, which Mexico lost Texas and California, so people can claim that Santa Anna is certainly responsible for losing territories.

As I was reading the book, I learned that economic development within Latin America differed depending on regions. For example, Chile was doing relatively well by exporting formidable merchant marine mining. This allowed more domestic investment such as education and military. As a result of this, Chile was able to fend off attacks from Bolivia and eventually Chile was able to gain new territories. On page 51, the image shows how much territories Bolivia had lost. I was completely unaware of this and I believe that this happened due to lack of ability to gain and consolidate power nationwide after independence.

Through this reading, I was able to learn about Caudillos and how Latin America struggled to consolidate power.

3 thoughts on “Week 5 response

  1. CennediMills

    I also found the varying degrees of economic development within Latin America very interesting, particularly the negative effects of Bolivia’s weak economy displayed on the map.

  2. Nayid

    Hi there,
    I found very interesting your observation about Chile. It is very cool to know that even now after so many year have passed since the colonia period you talked about, Chile still regarded as one of the most powerful economies of South America.

  3. eva streitz

    I think you could also see the Caudillos as just a replacement power to the crown. One corrupt leader becomes another.


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