Career News | Get Connected

Week of Oct. 26 – Nov.2, 2017

Student Spotlight: Nibeer

If you want to meet professionals outside of Company Information Sessions, try Sharpr. Hear from Nibeer who’s had success with it so far:

“Its like LinkedIn and Tinder had a baby! An easy to use app to find like-minded people in Vancouver. I have used it to make a couple of successful connections already with people interested in similar professional and personal pursuits. This is not the usual ‘I-am-looking-for-a-job’ cold call, but more about just connecting with other people to build your professional and personal network. Like they say, your network is your net-worth!”

Career Centre Staffing Announcement

We’d like to share with you that Jesse Grimaldi was recently promoted to a Manager, BCom Careers position at the Career Centre. They will no longer be supporting the MBAN program as they move to supporting UBC Sauder’s undergraduates. Jesse’s last day with the MBAN team will be on November 1st.

“One of my proudest career ‘moments’ has been supporting Sauder graduate students on their career journeys – in the classroom in support of career development programming, and through 1:1 career coaching. I’ve been so inspired to witness the inaugural MBAN cohort’s professional growth already in these first couple months of the program, and I wish the MBAN 2018 class all the best throughout these transformative next few months! Keep in touch – reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn.” – Jesse Grimaldi

Leverage your LinkedIn Network

Check out this LinkedIn Profile Checklist to build your personal brand and create your digital stamp. Want more? Visit MyMBANCareer for more tips and tricks.

LinkedIn 101

Featured: UBC Sauder Entrepreneurship Course

Want to share your knowledge, enthusiasm and social entrepreneurial spirit with Kenyan youths and business owners? Join the SSE Kenya drop-in information session on Monday November 20 and Tuesday November 21 from 11:30am to 1:30pm in HA 967. The program is a great opportunity for students to learn about other cultures, how businesses are created and grow in different contexts, and the role of education, mentorship, and volunteerism on economic development. Visit SSE Kenya to learn more!

Industry Connection Events


Attend the Blockchain@UBC Meetup on November 9, 2017 from 6:00-8:00pm to hear from Marc-David Seidel, Associate Professor and Director of the Maurice Young Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Centre at the UBC Sauder School of Business, about building a sustainable Blockchain innovation ecosystem. There will be wine and cheese with industry partners following the presentation. So hurry and RSVP HERE!

UCREW Student Mingler

Interested in commercial real estate? Join CREW Vancouver for an evening of conversation with professionals from across the diverse mix of sectors in the industry on Thursday, November 2, 2017 from 5:30-7:30pm.
Enjoy complimentary refreshments while gaining valuable insight and making new connections in the commercial real estate industry.

Additionally, gain an opportunity to sign up for the UCREW Shadowing Program, open exclusively to students attending the UCREW Student Mingler event.

RSVP at CrewVancouver by 5:00pm on Tuesday, October 31, 2017!

Thrive @ UBC

Join thousands of students, staff and faculty in the week-long series of events focused on building positive mental health for everyone at UBC through Thrive @ UBC. 

Stop by at one of the events near you! Click here for the complete schedule.

Stay fit. Stay focused. Stay balanced.


Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
155 – 2053 Main Mall
UBC Sauder School of Business
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday

Contact Info:

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