Best Works

Please take a chance to browse some of my best work completed through my  Technical Writing course at the University of British Columbia!


Definition Assignment

301 99A Meagan Rosenberg Definitions

This assignment was one of the first assignments completed in our Technical Writing course, and the focus was on practicing different definitions for a complex term used within our field.

With completing this assignment, it helped me to become familiar with the different definitions and how and when they should be used. It also helped me to brush up my skills for putting things in ‘lament’ terms – which is a big advantage for patients at the dental office!

Peer Review of Definitions Assignment

301 99A Meagan Rosenberg Peer Review of Definitions

This assignment was the first peer review that we completed during Technical Writing. We were instructed to carefully examine the document and provide feedback on all different aspects of our peers document.

With finishing this assignment, it made me become more aware of my own writing faults and helped my peer to revise her document for success.

Formal Report Proposal

301 99A Meagan Rosenberg Formal Report Proposal

This was the first of many assignments completed for our formal reports. We were challenged to select our topic for our formal report and create a proposal detailing certain aspects such as: who is the reader? location, scope, data sources, etc.

With completing my formal report proposal it helped me to learn that narrowing down a topic to investigate is harden than I thought, but it also helped to sharpen up my ‘critical’ thinking skills when brainstorming all the details!

Progress Report with Surveys/Interviews

301 99A Meagan Rosenberg Progress Report Memo with Interview Questions and Survey Questionnaire

This assignment was to report on the progress of our formal reports by e-mail memo to our instructor, with specific details such as the specified audience, purpose and significance of the report. We were to also include our interview questions and surveys and gain approval to begin collecting data.

This assignment helped me to brush up my skills with e-mail memos, as well as providing clarity for how well the progress of my report was going.

Complaint and Response Letters

301 99A Meagan Rosenberg Complaint and Response Letters

This assignment’s focus was to use our newly learned ‘YOU-attitude’ skills to write both a complaint and response letter about a negative experience that we had occurred.

Upon completion of this assignment, it made me feel powerful and focused. It helped me to understand the format of letters and how to be polite, but firm!

Peer Review of Application Package

301 99A Peer Review of JP Application Package Draft

This assignment was completed to provide our peer with constructive editing recommendations to make their application package stronger.

After completing this assignment it guided me to self-edit my own application again, as well as providing the opportunity to help my peer edit and have a very successful document.

Peer Review of Formal Report 

301 99A Meagan Rosenberg- Peer Review for JZ Draft Report

This assignment’s primary focus was to analyze and provide constructive feedback for a peers formal report.

The success of this assignment was strong, as my peer was given a well-rounded review with helpful recommendations to edit in their report before submitting.