An Isotope of Advertising.

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What’s the net worth of the net of networks?

February 14th, 2011 by aaeranpurwala

A flying thought slammed straight onto my forehead and conveniently walked right into my basket of unsolvable question that’s been piling up since my imagination first came up with: what is the magic spell that does all your homework? The only difference has been that since then, I’ve given up on looking for spell books and Id like to think I’ve grown out of ‘that’ phase. Only recently did I learn that growing out of ‘that’ imaginative, wildly creative phase isn’t particularly a good thing. Ken Robinsons talk on creativity being killed by the education system was the stimulus that lead to this realization.

Since then, I have reached back to that old pile of thoughts and I have tried getting the answers to the question bank in my head. Successfully, I have solved some of the mysteries, but this thought of being able to quantify branding has really started to hinder my day-to-day activities. I need answers.

I use Social Networking all the time, I try to remain active on the websites I do use. But if a company was to socially network itself, how would we be able to quantify this? What would the number of hits mean? Should we be even looking at the hits to quantify this presence? Offensive/ ridiculously abusive websites tend to get a lot of hits, but how can I differentiate those hits from other hits? What other qualitative factor should be paired with hits to prove positive associative satisfaction?

An other thought on the same track, why is the ratio of questions to answers so unbalanced? So many questions, but too few answers. Although It might seem like I am drifting to the philosophy side of things, but would philosophy be about questions if it wasn’t advertised as such? Wouldn’t it be about perspectives?

Lets get answering.


(This serves as an interesting copywriting ad pitch, since all these questions make you want answers. This entire search for answers makes you wish you had all the answers. Your answer is, Google.)

PS- let me know if you actually used Google after reading.

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