Aaron Bae (Seongyun Bae)

COMM 296 104 Assignment #1

September 12th, 2011 · 3 Comments

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Hi Comm 296 104!
My name is Aaron Bae (Seongyun Bae) and I’m a 2nd year transfer student.
I’m taking this course because partly, it’s mandatory and partly, I believe it’ll probably help me with my career in the future.

I don’t have much exeprience with marketing as a job, but as a club member, I have promoted some school events to classes.
My favourite ad is a Thai commercial on TV that I saw on Youtube. Very Impressing.
For those of you who want to have a look, here it is. (Make sure you turn off the background music from my post)

Basically what it’s about is a deaf girl trying to learn violin can’t learn properly due to her physical disability. She learns from another old deaf man that plays violin on the street that being different from others is nothing. He explains to her that music is a “visible thing.” He tells her to close her eyes and feel the music.
When she joins a contest and plays the violin, not only does her music sound good, but also her hair looks very shiny without any damage. At the end, the story turns out to be a pantene shampoo commercial. It appealed to me because unlike typical commercials we see on TV, it actually has a story that makes people feel impressed. It’s more likely that people will remember the commercial.

Something personal about me… Hmm..
Well, I can talk about my hobbies.
I’m interested in photography, stock exchange and badminton.
I haven’t taken professional photography or stock class, but I’ve learend from experience for several years.

I hope I can have best memories in my class!

Tags: COMM 296 104

3 responses so far ↓

  • Yanjie (Jessica), He // Sep 18th 2011 at 10:18 pm

    Hello Aaron. This is my favorite ad as well!
    Btw, I like the song you attached though I don’t understand those lyrics 🙂

  • phaedra // Oct 3rd 2011 at 2:01 pm

    Hi Aaron,

    Welcome to the class I hope you learn things to successfully take with you in your career. It is amazing how successful storytelling is in marketing because people can relate to it. Of course sometimes the story is so good that people forget what the product is marketing!


  • ellentsang // Nov 6th 2011 at 6:17 pm

    Hi Aaron,

    I love commercials from that Thai Insurance company too!


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