“The Daily Chart”

This blog provides new charts, graphs, and other audiovisual devices coupled with explanations and discussions relevant to current political, economic, and social issues; this blog can be followed through The Economist website. A recent posting “Where innovation lies”, is a chart and discussion of the the world’s most innovative companies and where they are located in the world.

Another post “Hard Times” displays the change in consumer spending in America during the recent recession, shedding some light onto what is most valued by consumers, and consumer spending trends during times of recession. “This time they really mean it” is another post that provides a chart displaying which nations keep the promises they make at G20 summits, building upon the idea of corporate responsibility, and applying this idea to nations. In this blog, concepts such as entrepreneurship,supply chain management, sustainability, finance, and market research are applied to real world situations. Visual representations provide clear and succinct explanations to important and relevant current events and ‘Daily Chart’ is indeed a blog that is worth your time!

Check it out here:http://www.economist.com/blogs/dailychart

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