Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is a UBC community initiative that was developed to help put an end to sexual violence and make our campus safer for everyone! We want to engage and inform the UBC community to spread awareness about this important issue. Our focus is a positive one – we intend to inspire people to realize that stopping sexual assault is everyone’s responsibility, and that as friends and bystanders, there are important and concrete actions we can all take to raise awareness and stop violence. For more information please visit our website at or email us at
Current Featured events:
Wednesday, January 11th & Thursday, January 12th Sexual Assault Awareness Month Info Fair in the I.K.Barber Learning Center, 1961 East Mall, UBC
Wednesday, January 18th Denim Day. A campaign aimed to raise awareness about sexual assault. We encourage all individuals to promote awareness and support our community’s sexual assault awareness programming by getting involved.
Monday January 23rd Lecture with Dr. Jackson Katz titled “Men, Women, Sex and Violence”