Reminder: Share your story in NEADS survey!

The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) is collecting stories from students with disabilities about their experience in obtaining financial aid to support their post-secondary studies. If you have faced challenges in this area, you are encouraged to share your story by completing their online survey by May 30, 2016.

Your participation will help inform NEADS’ advocacy efforts to improve access to financial aid in Canada for students with disabilities. Stories collected will be made available in the future in NEADS’ annual report.

Should you require assistance in financial planning, UBC Enrolment Services can provide personalized support and advice to help ensure your financial wellbeing and academic success.

Enrolment Services Professionals can work with you to understand your costs and financial aid options, and help make a plan to fund your studies.

How to contact an ESP

Access online financial resources

Financial health is an essential part of student wellbeing. We encourage you to take advantage of UBC’s free resources to support your financial health and make the most of your experience here.

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